I Love You, Don't You Get That? (Originalshipping Yaoi)

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Red woke up drenched in sweat, Pikachu was sitting on his chest looking at him with concern. Red patted Pikachu on the head to reassure him that he was alright. Red got up and went to the hot springs at the peak of the mountain that he was living at. He removed his wet clothes and climbed into the nice, hot water and relaxed. He washed the sweat off of his skin and thought about the dream he had. 

--------------------------- In Red's Dream --------------------------------

Red walked through the abandoned town. He called out to anyone who was there. No answer. Everything seemed, dead. He remembered this town. He began to panic and he ran to a nearby house and opened the door.

"Green!" He called out, he had to make sure he was okay. There was no answer, but there was no doubt that this was his home. Red remembered everything about his bestfriend's house. Red ran outside to the town square. There, in the middle of town, was Green. Red ran over, relieved that he had found his friend.

Green didn't move from the position he was sitting in, Red walked over to see if he was alright. When Red walked around to Green's front, he collapsed on the ground and screamed. Green's eye sockets were empty. Blood was dripping out of his empty eye sockets, his nose, and out of the corners of his mouth. Red began to cry and scream, he was horrified about what he had just seen.

----------------------------- End of Red's Dream ---------------------------------

A tear dripped down Red's face, it seemed so real to him. He wanted to see Green badly. He wanted to make sure he was alright.

Red got out and wrapped a towel around his waist. He went to his room and rummaged through his bins for an outfit he could wear that Green would like. Wait, why did he care what Green thought of his clothes? He brushed that off and continued looking for clothes. Red got dressed and headed for the door with everything he needed to go see Green. When he went to grab the doorknob, the door opened and Green popped his head in.

"Hey there Red!" Green said happily. "Where you going?" He tilted his head to the side as Red felt his face heat up. Red put his bag down and went to go sit on the couch he had in the house.

"Nowhere now." He said with a slight laugh. "I was going to go visit you." Red gazed at Green for a while then offered Green to sit down beside him. Green removed his coat and hat to reveal his slim figure and slightly messy hair. Red blushed slightly and unexpectedly gave Green a hug. Green was surprised and hugged Red tightly when he realized that Red was crying.


Author's note

I know nobody reads these, but these are my first stories, so no hate please!

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