Chapter of Crap 2.

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(WARNING! Swearing will be in this chapter so proceed with Caution!)



I hate my damn bus driver, why isnt the original one back yet? ;-; anyways I couldnt even draw in the bus like what the heck is wrong with that!? fudge dem, may a bird poop on dat bus driver, I was like

Me: *Quietly swearing* Screw you....

Cam: *drawing* (My friend AKA Crush)

Bus driver: Put the pencils away...

Me: shut up!

Kid next to me: Why didnt you let me friend sit

Me: *keeps drawing with mah friend*

Bus driver: Put it away or you get a report..

Me: srsly  screw you. *puts it away*

Cam: *puts it away*



Tell me your opinion on it..

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