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Once you start running you can never stop, not when running from him. 

Running, something most people hate, I personally always hated running. But once your life is at risk all you can do is run and never look back, running becomes a part of your life. However after some time, it may be a long time, you get tired of running and give up, this is something you do not want to do because as soon as you stop running you die.


Cole Malarkey is the guy all girl fall for, he is everything any girl would want. The perfectly structured face, hair and body like the gods sculpted him themselves. Worth over a billion of dollars. Everything he does is known about, if he gets a girlfriend everyone would know, however, once they break up no one cares about the girl anymore to the world she doesn't exist, literally, she is erased from this world because anything about her is gone.

Cole was also the kind of guy your mother would tell you to never interact with because he was the player, the ultimate player. I don't blame him though hi family life seems pretty shitty. His Father Jack literally married someone just over 20, a model in fact named Celeste Winters.

If you were ever approached by any of the Malarkey family you should run in the opposite direction, but me being so dumb ran right into his arms his spawn of satan arms. I could have never prepared myself for what was coming, running could have never helped, because no matter how fast you run he would always catch up to you.

If you follow a few simple rules you may be safe from the Malarkey terror.

1. Do not interact with them

2. Do not fall for any of them

3. If you do RUN

4. Don't be curious

5. Never think that they love you, that fake love might end up killing you.

6. Follow the rules above.


Me, I'm a simple girl, not that rich or popular or special for that matter. I was the first born in my family, my parents were never married and after my mum told my dad about her being pregnant he took off, I never got to meet my father and to be honest I hope I never will. when I was 4 my sister was born from one of my mum's boyfriends, but he ended up leaving as well so my mother gave up on the idea of dating.

My life was always simple until I let my best friend Summer drag me out to a party as her plus one, that's when everything changed because I met him, and maybe things could have been different but they aren't, I may be sorry but nothing will ever change.


I'm guessing meeting everyone is in order, so here are all the people that could have been a part of my life forever changing but that is for me to know and for you to find out.

I'm guessing meeting everyone is in order, so here are all the people that could have been a part of my life forever changing but that is for me to know and for you to find out

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