Chapter 3

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Carlos's POV:

I can't wait to see (f/n)! I miss her so much and today we are going home.

"Hey, you ready?" Ben asks patting my back.

"Yeah I am! Aren't you?"

"Yeah, I get to go see Mal."

"And I get to go see (f/n)."

"I knew you guys were bound to happen."

"You did?"

"The stories (f/n) told mes of your guys's life on the Isle told me. She told me how she would only go to your house because she only trusted you and how you guys were really good friends at the time. How she never felt love. It sounds rough."

"It was, but it's in the past now."

"Yeah, and I'm happy you guys actually got married! It was such a beautiful wedding."

"I can't wait to see her."

"I know how you feel."

"Yeah, you got Mal. Promise you'll be good to her. She's like an older sister to me."

"I wouldn't dare hurt her."

I smile and look down.

"Well?" Jay pats my shoulder roughly.

"Well what? We're finally going home to our girls."

"I can't wait to see Audrey!"

"Yeah, after all this time I never thought you two would be a thing!" Ben shakes his head while smiling.

"Yeah, but what can I say? I'm a ladies man..."

"Uh huh. Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night."

He punches Ben's shoulder.

We all laugh and get on the bus for the 8 hour trip home. Not including traffic, of course.

We put our stuff in the compartment underneath the bus and load in.

I sit towards the back.

I pull the letter from my coat and smile.

It was the one (f/n) sent me of Mal's pregnant stomach. The baby is due any day now.

That didn't put Mal pout of work. In fact, she works more now than ever!

I lean my head on the window as the engine growlers to life with a sputtering laugh.

I smile.

I'm going home.


"Dude! We're home!" Jay shakes me awake.

It's at least 5 in the morning. The sun was peaking through the hibernating trees covered with dew.

I smile excitedly.

I slowly wake up and the bus parks in front of the University of Auradon.

I see faces smiling and clapping and holding up signs.

I get off and grab my stuff.

I set them down and look for (f/n).

I feel something slam into my back.

Correction: Somebody jumped on my back.

My attacker jumps down.

I turn around to see the love of my life, (f/n) (l/n) - De Vil

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