Chapter Five - Come Here Often?

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Erin nervously checks the time on her phone: 7:45pm. Only 15 minutes until her date is suppose to pick her up. She paces around the firehouse, tidying up. While she doesn't plan on inviting her date inside, she needs to put her nerves to good use or else she'll resort to biting her nails. An anxious habit of hers for as long as she could remember.


Abby, Patty and Kevin pick off of each other's appetizers while a quiet Holtzmann plays  with the straw in her drink.

"Holtzy baby, you alright?" Patty asks.

Holtzmann looks up and gives her a smile that doesn't meet her eyes. "Patty, you alright too!"

"That is not what I meant and you know that!" Patty gives her a knowing look.

"I'm fine!" Holtzmann sighs.

"You sure? Because you've been walking around like a sad puppy ever since Erin brought up her date." Abby chimes in.

"Erin's on a date? Why isn't Holtzmann there then?" Kevin asks.

"Kevin, what are you talking about?" Patty gives him a questioning look.

"Isn't Erin Holtzmann's girlfriend?" He asks with a confused expression. Abby and Patty chuckle.

"Kev, buddy, what gave you the impression that Erin and I are dating?" Holtzmann cocks her head to the side.

"Well you're always flirting with her..." He responds.

"Yeah, so? She flirts with you!" Holtzmann says pointedly.

"Not anymore!" He says matter of factly.

"Hold on! Kev, buddy, you knew Erin was flirting with you this whole time and didn't do anything about it?" Abby asks.

"Well of course not. She's dating Holtzmann and also, I have a boyfriend... I think." He ponders, Patty laughs.

"Kevin, Erin and I aren't dating." Holtzmann sighs.

"Really? Because you two hang out a lot before work and after work. Plus, you dance for her and make her laugh. She also checks on you whenever it's too quiet in your lab. Sounds like girlfriends to me."

"Did Kevin just make sense?" Abby asks with a shocked expression on her face.

"Is he possessed?" Patty asks, eyes wide with disbelief.

Kevin eats a whole jalapeño and quickly spits it out. "That's a hot grape!"

"Nope, just Kevin!" Abby sighs, shaking her head and turning her attention back across the table. "Look, Holtzmann, its obvious. Kevin sees it, Patty sees it, I see it. The only people who don't see it are you and Erin. You could sit and mope or you could do something about it."

"Do what, Abs? It's too late! She's out on a date with a doctor and they're probably hitting it off and before we know it, they'll be married and have kids and-" Holtzmann's cut off.

"Holtz, listen to me. I used to think that I knew Erin better than anyone but then you came along and I see the way you too hit it off and... I've never seen Erin open up to anyone the way she's opened up to you. Ever. And while she's not as obvious as you are with this crush of yours, I see it. We all see it."

Fantasma... That's Spanish for Love (A Holtzbert Story)Where stories live. Discover now