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Start from the beginning

"For goodness sake, Harry. Go greet her! You didn't even show up to welcome her here, and she's your future wife!" His mother pushes him and he takes a deep breath as he walks towards her.

"Princess Laura" Harry puts on a fake smile as the men around her excuse themselves and the princess turns to him. "I apologize for not being able to greet you once you arrived. I overslept" he lies but still keeps his smile, polite and calm, keeping his eyes soft.

The princess clears her throat and tries to stand straighter, amending her previous position, or trying to, Harry would give her credit of that much. She smiles, something open rather than polite. "Prince Harry" she nods once, "It's an honor to be here"

They don't talk about politics, it's not theirs to talk about, and Harry tries to keep the conversation as casual as possible. He finds that she's quite the talkative kind, some topics that Harry doesn't follow, and some innuendos that she casually throw in. Some other thing Harry learns as she keeps the conversation going, is that she's a heavy drinker, and she isn't drunk by her fourth glass of wine that she gets after asking Harry to walk them around the castle and fetching it when they pass a servant holding a bottle.

Another is she isn't the type to care about anyone around, except for herself and maybe the royal family including Harry. She's not rude in front of him, but she doesn't apologize either nor asks for something before having it. It's quite ... not what Harry was expecting. He doubts for a moment if she knows anything about ruling a country since she's becoming a queen in a matter of time, she should've known the basics from watching at least. Even if she wasn't to wed him, she was still going to have a throne of her own.

"I don't really interfere in such things" She informs him, "It gives me a headache, and I have to actually think about plans that I don't know if they'd work or not. I mean, have you seen what happened as a consequence?" Harry raises his brows, "I don't want to be seen as such"

One thing that Harry should tell her is to stop talking with her body. It is not suitable for a princess. "I believe there are times when you have to 'think' for your country, Princess"

She rolls her eyes, swinging a bit that Harry guesses it's because of the wine, and maybe she would be able to hold a proper conversation if she is not drinking.

"What are my advisors are for then?"

"To help you, but they shouldn't affect your decisions. Not all the time"

She shrugs then excuses herself to the restroom. Harry finds himself relieved.

His mother approaches him afterwards with a smile. "Well? What do you think?"

"Do my opinion really matter?"

"Of course!" she holds his shoulders, "I want you to be happy!" Harry raises his brows at her, "Darling, you know I would never agree to something that harms you. If anything, this marriage it to our favor" she drops her arms, "The princess is not the one to engage herself in politics which secure your reign. You'll have nothing to worry about. And you can always put a little trick to have her back"

Harry shakes his head. She's right. The princess isn't a threat, she barely knows anything in politics which won't help him but also won't harm him knowing that she won't even suggest a change in plans. But she's also close to childish. His mother knows this, and that's why she's very keen on having her marrying him. The princess won't object to anything, that if she knows anything. Can easily be manipulated, and at a moment of crises for his country, he can ask, no, order for military support that would be granted right away. And not just military aid, economic wise too. They're using her, and he knows that his parents would rather have someone to control rather than someone with an actual brain.

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