Chocolate Stream

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This morning I was a bright and lively as an invisible leprechaun.  My pot of gold was safe and I was happily running around, fooling the silly humans.  Then I got the wonderful idea to go into the forest.  What a great idea!  I happily grabbed my sand bucket filled with rocks, twigs and leaves and skipped off into the forest.  The adults were busy discussing the best dessert for a dinner party, and they didn't notice me.

I collected odd glowing mosses, strange orange and blue colored mushrooms, and sparkling dirt that absolutely shimmered in the sunlight and would go wonderfully in a fairy house.  I organized it in my little yellow sand bucket so I was very satisfied, and I started to skip home.  Suddenly, I heard a horse.  It was whinnying, but to me it sounded like it was calling my name.

"River!  River!  RIVER!!!  Come to me!  COME TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" it yelled.  I dashed towards the sound.  If it was in trouble, I could help.  I once rescued a fox from a trap in the woods.  It was badly injured, so I took it back home and nursed it back to health.  When it was ready to go back home, I set it free.  Sometimes I still see it roaming the forest.

I reached the horse and gasped.  It was bright red and had a neon pink mane.  Its eyes seemed to shine despite the shadows cast down by the trees looming overhead.  They were a deep brown that seemed to be spiraling down and down into an eternal brown interstice.  On each flank was a picture of a dark brown, smooth and creamy bar of chocolate with a bite taken out of it.

"H-h-hello...  I'm... River.  What's your name?"  I said without thinking.  Horses can't talk!  I thought to myself.  "Oh... uh... I'm sorry.  Your eyes... Th-they're just like a human's... I...  I...  Why don't I name you?"

"I already have a name, thanks."  the horse said angrily.  "My name is Chocolate Stream, but you can call me Stream.  All of my friends do."

"You... you can... talk?"  I said, barely able to mutter the words from shock.

"No, I can't."  Stream said sarcastically.  "Do you have any chocolate?"

"Uh... not with me..."  I replied timidly, "but I can get some, if you want."

"No, no, I probably shouldn't have it anyway.  I might go crazy again."  Stream shivered as she spaced out, lost in her thoughts.

"Uh... I should probably go now... my... people... are waiting for me."  I stammered.

"People?  Do all humans call their families that?"  the confused pony asked, staring me down in search for answers with her huge, infinite eyes.

"Uh... no.  They... they... they aren't my family."  I whispered, immediately regretting it.

"Who are they, then?" Stream said, curiosity making her eyes even bigger than they usually were.

"Uhhh... just... volunteers, I guess." I practically squeaked.

"Speak up!  I can't hear a word you're saying!" Stream pawed at the ground in frustration.

"THEY'RE NOT RELATED TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  I screamed.  A single tear rolled down my cheek.  "I have to go."  I turned and ran all the way back to my house and into my room, not even stopping to drop off my bucket at my fairy house.

I jumped onto my neatly made bed, tossing up the sheets into disarray, and sobbed into my pillow.  I wish that nothing had ever happened.  I wish I weren't "special", like my fake mom says.  I wish my real parents never liked swimming!  "Ugh!"  I groaned.  I don't know what I wish.

I looked up at stared deep into the mirror that I kept next to my bed.  My dark blue eyes were dull and had no highlight because of the dim lighting in my room.  My eyes and nose were a ruby-red color, and my eyes seemed to stick out of my head like a geyser of brightly colored lava shooting from a cartoon volcano.  My lightly colored skin, speckled with light brown freckles, looked eternally ugly in my eyes.  My plain, brown hair was untidy and would never look right or cooperate.

I sat up and turned around to eat some of the sweets I had kept from Halloween.  I almost screamed when I saw the red, pink, and energetic pony quietly eating my chocolate.

"Hey!" I whispered harshly, "Hey!  That's not yours, that's mine!  You didn't ask for it!  My people are downstairs and they have guests!  You need to get out of here!"  Stream didn't even seem to notice that I was in the room!  How rude!  I went around to the other side of her and gave up not disturbing my fake parents.  I screamed, "GET OUT OF MY ROOM!  GO AWAY!!!"

Stream looked up.  The deep, emotion-filled brown of her eyes was gone.  Instead, a deep, evil, cruel, murderous red lurked there, waiting for the right moment to deliver the killing strike and take all it wanted.

The last thing I heard before the darkness engulfed me was the deep thunk of my body crumpling onto the wooden floor of my room.

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