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"1. 2. 3. 4. 5." she mutters to herself with a thick accent to her. "That's just a-fucking-mazing." The girl had 5 simple bullets to her for her .22. She had a backpack with two things of water and 4 thinks of crackers. "It'll have to do" she realizes she sounds like a crazy person, talking to herself, but you would too if the only reaction you have had is a undead freak.

Speaking of undead freak, she hears moans and lord she wishes it was sexual moans. It was the familiar moans of the freaks known as walkers. They eat. They walk and they eat. That's it. No brain, no human quality other than to eat. She takes out her knife on her thigh and stabs the walker in the head. She tears up as she realizes this is her life now. This is all she shall ever know. She hasn't seen another ALIVE person in about a month or so she guess termites. She doesn't know if she ever will. She finally reaches the city. She has a goal, to get to the CDC. Getting there on foot without being eaten is a problem...

Surprising enough, she didn't have to hide and fight very much. There was a lot of walkers chasing a horse...I can't help that poor horse. I keep running stopping every so often killing a walker. one dead and one less I have to worry about. I sprint faster trying to make it. I guess some idiot didn't get the memo...cause I hear gunshots. Noise attracts walkers.

Her P.O.V.

I finally after a while, make it to the building in front of me. As I take a step forward, I gag at the smell. It smells like well the decay. The rotting smell.

I don't see anyone so I bang on the door. "Let me in!" I yell out to the people inside. "Please.! I can't do this anymore." I don't see anything moving so I stand back...I go to step away.

As I do, a blinding light is in my line of vision as the metal visor is lifted. I gasp and step in with my stuff.

"What do you want?" I look around until my eyes fall upon a blond man that has a face of someone from that horrible movie, "Twilight" He looks like the dad/ doctor off of that movie.

"A chance."

"That's asking a lot."

"Please...I don't think I can stand being on my own much longer." He nods.

"okay." He shakes his head at me just staring at him "But go get all your stuff. That door won't open again."

"This is it." I say sadly. He nods and says a quick follow me. I look around as I walk, observing everything that I pass.

"Food?" he says and turns around facing me. "Or a nap?" he laughs "You look deprived of both."

"Nap please..." he takes me to a bedroom and as soon as I set my stuff and lay on the bed, I am out. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2016 ⏰

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