Chapter 1

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It has been a month since Tanya's death and the police have declared that it was an unfortunate accident. But something doesn't feel right, it seems that something is missing and Tanya's death was not an accident. I don't know why but I have this feeling call it an intuition which says that what is happening is not right.

I still remember that day as if it was just tomorrow, Tanya and her friend was about to leave for their day out and I was behind them; one moment, they are laughing and the next all we see is blood and Tanya is lying at the end of the stairs lifeless. Police say that she slipped and tumbled down. The doctors said she was dead on arrival. But this seems too good to be true there is something which is missing.

After her death everything changed. Seems like our perfect family was not perfect at all. After Tanya's death mom started to isolate herself and dad began to drown himself in his work. Guess they forgot they have one more daughter as well. It has always been like that she was always in the limelight, always everyone's favorite, popular and smart. I never minded that as long as she spent her time with me I did not care about anything.

So standing here in her room after a month brought all those memories back. It's still the same a huge bed in the middle filled with photographs on the wall, a side dedicated completely to books and a wardrobe full of all the latest collection of clothes.

Tanya was very particular about her things. She never let anyone touch anything in her room. There has to be something which will give me a clue as to whether her death was an accident or something else. I need to find out. She once said she used to write about everything that happened in her life. I need to find her diary, where will that be? I started going through her bookshelf, her wardrobe, her bedside drawer but it was nowhere. I was about to give hope, at the very moment my eyes fell on something black which was under her pillow.. Her Diary.

Hello everyone:)
This is my second story and it is already 96 in mystery/thriller... Woohoo... So what do you think about the beginning. What will Jiya find in Tanya's diary??? Is Tanya's death just an accident or something else?????
Let me know your thoughts.

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Until then,
Keep reading:)

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