Awkward Moment

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1.       That awkward moment when you’re watching an anime while thinking about another, then you notice that you didn’t pay any attention at all and have to watch it again

2.       That awkward moment when you unconsciously try to find a yaoi pairing in everything

3.       That awkward moment when you finally leave the house for a social event but you can’t wait to get home so you can continue watching anime

4.       The awkward moment when you’re reading a bad fanfic and realizes it is your own

5.       That awkward moment when you cry for hours over your favourite characters

6.       That awkward moment when you realize that you spent all day watching anime.

7.       That awkward moment when you just watched a whole movie in Japanese but didn’t even realize that there were no subtitles because you know the movie by heart.

8.       That awkward moment when anime/manga characters give you unrealistic expectations of men

9.       That awkward moment when you lock yourself in your room for hours and cry over anime

10.   That awkward moment when you’ve watched so many animes that you can’t tell the difference between the characters anymore

11.   The awkward moment when you realize that the laugh that you use for watching anime and yaoi alone is so much creepier than the laugh you used when you’re in public. P.S I’m not a yaoi fan

12.   That awkward moment when you wait all week for an update and then you realize there isn’t one and you begin to cry

13.   That awkward moment when your become so obsessed with an anime or manga that every background you have has something to do with your current obsession

14.   That awkward moment when you completely ignore homework to watch anime or read manga

15.   That awkward moment when you would die and/or kill for your ship

16.   That awkward moment when every song on your iPod somehow relates back to your favourite anime or manga in some way

17.   That awkward moment when you start acting like a certain anime character and you don’t even notice, until it’s pointed out

18.   That awkward moment when the perception of cute is skewed and everything is now Moe instead.

19.   That awkward moment when you are more attracted to anime people than real people

20.   That awkward moment when you can’t believe a date went that badly, but you’re secretly relieved since you enjoy watching anime more than going out.

21.   That awkard moment when the anime plot has nothing to do with the manga plot.

22.   That awkward moment when you realize you are an anime stereotype.

23.   That awkward moment when you learn Japanese by watching anime all the time

24.   That awkward moment when you ship yourself with multiple characters

25.   That awkward moment when you’re completely normal in public but are a raging otaku at home

26.   That awkward moment when you disown your friend because they made fun of your favourite anime/manga

27.   That awkward moment when you refer to a specific character as your boyfriend

28.   That awkward moment when you realize you have your favourite character’s birthday memorized but forgot your own birthday

29.   That awkward moment when someone insults your favourite anime and you’re torn between crying deeply and punching them in the face.

30.   That awkward moment when you can’t carry a conversation without discussing anime/manga.

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