Telling Jihoon

380 14 7

~Woozi had logged on~
~TheAngel has logged on~

Woozi: what's wrong?

TheAngel: what do u mean?

Woozi: u know what I mean.

TheAngel: no I actually don't

Woozi: are you tell me or are u just gonna continue being confused.

TheAngel: fine~ so someone confessed to me like around last week.

Woozi: ok and the person was?

TheAngel: it was Joshua

Woozi: that's why

TheAngel: Huh? What happened?

Woozi: well the other day, I walked into joshua's shared room with Dk and I was going to ask him but when I opened the door I heard sniffles and I guess he was crying.

TheAngel: awe man~ he misunderstood. I didn't get to tell him anything.

Woozi: so how did he tell u?

TheAngel: well he was supposed to be reading the bible to Dk but supposedly he fell asleep so he logged back on.

Woozi: so when he logged back on he told u?

TheAngel: yeah

Woozi: oh ok. What did u say?

TheAngel: nothing

Woozi: and then he misunderstood?

TheAngel: yup

Woozi: but aren't u dating seungcheol hyung?

TheAngel: yeah but Idk how to tell him

Woozi: well good luck

TheAngel: before I tell him what should I do?

Woozi: well be nice with it, so don't yell at him all day then let him know but make sure to tell him why.

TheAngel: thanks

Woozi: ur welcome

TheAngel: how do u know about this type of stuff?

Woozi: too many dramas

TheAngel: oh ok

Woozi: yeah

~TheAngel has logged off~

Woozi: _

Woozi: dang...I'm alone

~Woozi has logged off~

Seventeen {Vocal Unit Chatroom}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें