Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning


Seconds later it started ringing again and I once again declined. Texts followed his un-answered calls, not abusive ones but ones that begged me to answer.

I walked away from Angela, I think she had said her name was and left her standing there. As I did I sent a text to Dominic, a nasty text I'll admit.

(To: Dominic)

You have a child! Did you forget to mention that? Because I sure as hell wouldn't have. What else are you hiding? Got a wife too? Is that what Angela is?

Have a nice life Dominic and don't contact me again, thanks.

I was too mad to want to hear him out. He had read my text straight away as if he saw the bubbles pop up and was waiting on a reply.

As soon as he read it I received call after call. But I was too hurt, too confused to answer. Instead I just kept walking towards my safe place, the place that kept me sane in times like this.

Call after call until I switched my phone off, getting tired of the continuous ringing that was giving me a headache. I had now turned onto the street that lead me straight to the rooftop, the place I needed to be right now.

I climbed the ladders and steps towards the top until I finally reached it, then walked to the edge and sat down.

Why does he keep hurting me? Time after time he always hurts me.

I was starting to think Dominic couldn't help but hurt me. It was becoming a re-occurring thing, a loop that would just go round and round. Every time I saw him he had to find a different way to hurt me, whether it was his words, emotions, sex life or past. He always found a new way to hurt me and I just couldn't take it anymore.

Throughout the whole time we had been seeing each other all he did was hurt me.. time after time.

Usually it would be with a different women and that's exactly what it was this time. But instead of a women he had slept with in the past, it was an outcome of sex instead. A child that he had forgot to mention, that he didn't even care to warn me about.

He acts like he cares about no one, yet he must've gave a shit about her to get her pregnant.

Has he met the kid?

Has she told him?

So many thoughts were rattling around my head and was remaining un-answered. The truth was I didn't even know if I wanted them to be answered or forgotten. I didn't know if I wanted him or didn't.

The truth was I loved him, but didn't I love him that much to stick around so he could hurt me?

I sat there for around an hour, just deep into my thoughts. Then decided to turn on my phone.

100+ missed calls

173 text messages

They all belonged to him and I wasn't prepared to answer any of them. But as soon as my phone lit up, I knew I had to answer it.

"Sadie!?" He said in a panicked voice.

I remained silent.

"I know your mad, you have every right to be. But please do me a favour and do not listen to her." He begged. "This is why I told you not to speak to her. I knew she would this-"

"How many times are you planning to hurt me?" I asked.

The phone went silent and all that was heard was him trying to speak, but only a soft noise coming out.

"I don't plan to hurt you..." He told me as sadness filled his tone.

"You must plan it, no one can hurt someone this many times by accident." I replied. "Cause I can't keep on doing this not knowing how many times I'm in for."

He stayed silent and so did I as a tear fell from my eyes. I sniffed as more fell and landed on my creased dress.

"Please don't cry.." He spoke softly. "Please, don't.. I don't wanna hear you cry.."

"I'll call you tomorrow." I told him and hung up the phone.

I couldn't speak to him right now, I didn't want to. Hearing his voice made me want to cry even more, I couldn't stand his voice right now. I didn't wanna see him, or his stupid smile.

I never wanted to see him again, but at the same time I wanted him to cuddle me and tell me he was sorry. That he would never hurt me again and we could be happy. For him to tell me that this was all just a sick joke and that today had meant nothing.

I knew it wasn't a joke, I knew that girl weren't lying and that this was all reality.

The reality of dating Dominic.

The guy that would rather drown his feelings in drink, than talk about them. The guy who's cockiness was not annoying but admirable. The guy would couldn't help but destroy others around him to get a kick out of it. The guy that had took my heart and smashed it to pieces several times without a care in the world.

I couldn't deny that I had broken his too once. I was sick of trying and tired of crying over the same guy, different day.

I didn't want to end it, but I didn't want to get hurt continuously. This is why I didn't believe in love, because it's a losing game. You never win with love, even if it does last till the end there is always an end. It's something that could never be eternal, but something that seemed ever-lasting.

Love was a risk and I didn't know just yet if I was willing to take the risk or let it burn out. But I didn't know if my love for him would ever burn out or if the spark would ignite a fire that would burn until the last day.

I guess it was just a risk I'd have to take.

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