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The beginning of 8th grade:

August POV :

There I was getting ready for school praying to God that there were some cute guys in my class. I put on my cute white and black shirt, choker, and shorts with my black and white vans I have to say I was looking mighty fine but back to what I was saying. I went to the bathroom got all freshened up and went on to wake my mother up to take me to school. As always she was groggy when she woke up but none the less she woke up and took me to school in her pajamas. As we rode I got excited I mean it was my last year of middle school then I was off the high school. As we drove my mom of course she prayed for me to have a good day and not get into any fights because she knows I have anger issues, while I ate my granola bar up to my school.

I got out and of course said goodbye and strutted my stuff making sure everyone knew I was here and back than ever before. I knew I had all the guys attention, and also had all the girls holding on to "their" boyfriends as if they felt I was going to try to steal "their" man. It made me laugh I mean it was funny I'm really not the type of girl to do that I mean if ur man is looking at me and not at you thats not my problem so don't get mad at me get mad at him. As I walked to the main entrance I could feel all the little pervy 7th graders eye raping me I mean like Ewww. As I walked past my old classrooms on 7th grade hall way I felt accomplished that I walked past it . I had never been on the 8th grade hallway before I was getting nervous. And of fucking course I walk into the wrong class room the first day of school how embarrassing. Great and of course it wouldn't be my class all my friends were in that class I could only hope I had some people I liked in mine. Of course it's right across the hall I slowly walked towards the class were I would spend a year with people I didn't even talk to with. But because I'm not a punk I walked in but kept my head down. So I just go to a open seat I didn't need to see the teacher because I had already met her at open house. And I already knew I didn't like her. I know I haven't had a full on conversation and already don't like her welp to fucking bad I don't.

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