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This dare was suggested by Kitty4554
Have Anti and Jack wear maid outfits and Dark and Mark collect their prizes for being awesome.

Jack: *sees the dare* Fookin' hell. Do I have to?

Anti: Yup. It's the dare, Jackaboy!

Jack: *sighs* Fine, I'll be right back. *goes somewhere in the distance and maid costumes magically appear* Anti!

Anti: What now? *sees two costumes* Oh, is Mark dressing up too?

Jack: *laughs* Read the dare again, Anti.

Anti:* reads the dare again* Hell no. I'm not wearin no fookin' maid costume. Sorry. *tries to walk off, but Jack grabs his collar*

Jack: Put it on, I have to too, ya big wuss. *walks to the bathroom and puts it on.*

Anti: *mumbles* Fookin hell.

Jack: *walks out and laughs* I look fookin ridiculous, that's fer sure.

Anti: *laughs at Jack* Oh, that's awesome. *walks into the bathroom to change and yells out* Go show your boyfriend, Jackaboy! I'm sure he'll love it!

Jack: *blushes* Fine. *tries to find Mark*

Mark: *is sitting on the couch, when he hears Dark yell his name*

Dark: *yells* Mark, get your ass in here and look

Mark: *sighs and gets up, walking towards Dark*

Dark: *smiles and holds out something to Mark* Here.

Mark: *takes it and looks at it* Why did you give me a YouTube necklace?

Dark: I didn't, the person who wrote this did. *walks off*

Mark: *sighs and turns around to find Jack*

Jack: H-hey Marky, h-how do I look?

Mark: *nosebleed* Um, you look great. I'm gonna go lay down now, Jack.


Dark: *is playing with his necklace and sees Anti* What the fuck are you wearing, Anti?

Anti: It was for a stupid dare me and Jack had to do.

Dark: Well, it suits you. *stands up and walks to Anti and pins him against the wall*

Anti: *smirks and looks down*

Dark: *kisses him roughly before leaving*

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