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Turtle's PoV

I am so happy, I have finally gotten time to do this. I layed the necklace on a rock and said "Enchant this necklace so that the wearer can remove firescales as they wish.". As soon as I'd said that, the necklace emmited a red flash, and then appeared as if nothing had happened. I decided to go test it out. I ran to find Clay, surely he would know where Peril was, plus, only the Dragonet's of Destiny, the Jade Winglet and Peril knew about him being an animus.

  "Clay, Clay, Clay!!" I yelled when I found him, trying to get his attention off of a cow. "Oh, hey Turtle, what is it?" Clay asked, still eyeing the cow. "Where's Peril?" I asked quickly. "Oh, I think she's flying above Jade Mountain." he answered, slowly stepping towards the cow now. "Thanks Clay!!" I responded mid-launch.

  As I was flying above Jade Mountain, I caught a glimpse of lava red scales in mid-air. -Peril!- I thought with a rush of relief. As I was flying over, she hadn't noticed me, so I decided to try and sneak up on the dragon with firescales. She was hovering in mid-air, taking a break. So, I slipped the necklace over her head and before she had time to react, the necklace was already settled on her neck. Before she realized that she was wearing the necklace, she landed, and Turtle gave her a big hug. 

  "Turtle! What are you doing? You're going to- huh?" Peril stopped mid-scentence and realised that Turtle wasn't burning. "What happened?" Peril asked, bewildered. "I enchanted a necklace so that you could remove firescales if you want to, you can have them if you want but you also don't have to have them." I responded, full of joy. "Thank you Turtle!!!" exclaimed Peril, but then went cautious "but, what about your soul?". " It'll be fine, I enchanted my armband so that all of the effects of using my magic affect it, not me." I responded, proud of myself that I had finally made her wish come true.

  Over the next few days, Peril was learning how to read, hugging everyone around school to show them that she wasn't a "monster" anymore, making new friends plus, now she is in the Jade Winglet to replace the fallen Skywing Carnelian.

I hope you liked it, the more you request, the more I write!! I don't do very well writing certain ships, but I'll try and every once in a while I'll do it through ToD. Don't forget, request ships, I get bored if you don't.

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