Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

"Why're you here?" I asked, wondering why this bitch was standing at the door.

"Because we need to talk." She told me.

I told Sadie to let her in and go to the bedroom, I didn't mean to exclude her from the conversation but I didn't want Angela filling her head with thoughts.

Angela stayed in the living room whilst I took Sadie into the bedroom and got dressed. I threw on a pair of grey sweats, not bothering with underwear and put on a plain white t-shirt. Sadie didn't say anything as she saw me get dressed. She just sat there with a questioning look on her face, probably wondering who the girl was.

"Don't worry, it isn't a one nighter back for more." I assured her. "Instead it's an ex wanting to make my life a living hell."

"Why?" She asked.

"Because she always has done and always will until the day she or I die." I told her. "Even then she'll probably still haunt me as a ghost."

Fucking bitch, I thought.

"Okay... well why can't I be in the room?" She questioned as I turned to her.

"Because she's an evil, vindictive asshole who would only feed your head with lies about me." I answered honestly.

Sadie said nothing as I walked back out the room and went to speak to my worst nightmare. Angela was waiting for me, leaning against the kitchen counter with a cocky manor. Her hair was now black, meaning she had died it from bleach blonde and her eyes were now blue meaning she had put contacts in.

I knew what she was trying to do, she was trying to look like Mercedes. This is what she always did, this was how she was a full on psycho.

Every time she had thought I'd met someone new, even though I really had this time. She's mask her looks to look like them, this is why I never wanted to see her again. She was too crazy for me, not that crazy was always bad. But this crazy was bad.

She hadn't mastered Mercedes look entirely as I could see the hair extensions. Also her clothes were different, she wore a trench coat with knee high boots, that was her 'signature look'. More like a way to tell guys she's a whore and up for anything, but what do I know.

I didn't have to see under the trench coat to know she had planned to seduce me. In my head it was already confirmed that under there was a strip tease waiting to happen. This is how she always did this. She would come round, spill her heart out and then we would fuck. But now was different, now I wasn't interested.

"So... new girlfriend?" She smirked.

"Well you'd know since you're trying to be a her doppelgänger." I shot back.

"Oh this?" She laughed and gestured to herself. "It's not like that Dominic, I just thought your taste had changed, that's all." 

"Well you're right, it has. I don't date psychos anymore" I smiled.

She glared at me and went to say something then stopped herself. Instead she continued to tell me how she just dropped in to tell me she had moved into town and to expect to see her around. That's when I lost it.

"Get out now!" I shouted.

"Make me!" She shot back.

Mercedes P.O.V

I heard shouting coming from outside the door. I wanted to go out and see, but I had been told to stay in the room. Dominic was shouting his head off, whilst the unknown women was daring him to do something. All I could hear was make me, make me over and over again.

I couldn't take it any longer, so I opened the door to see Dominic had hold of the women's arm. She begged him to let go, not in pain but because she wanted to stay. It was obvious he was done with her and wanted to kick her out.

I watched the scene unravelled, not that he noticed I was there. Her arm had now been twisted behind her back as she continued throwing threats his way. But her threats came to a stop when he threw her out the door, then picked up his phone and called security. He told them how they best keep her away from him and to never let her up again, which I'm guessing they understood because not even two minutes later and the continuous banging on the door was stopped. Instead it was shouting no, screaming down the halls.

Dominic leant against the kitchen counter shaking with anger. His fingers kept tapping uncontrollably on the kitchen side as he took slow, deep breaths to soothe himself.

"Dominic?" I spoke and his head shot up.

"I thought I told you to stay in the room." He replied, not looking at me.

"Yeah, but then I heard shouting and-"

"So? I told you to stay in the room, end off." He said flatly.

I didn't know how to reply and stood by the doorway of his room, waiting for him to say one word to me. Instead he went to the refrigerator and pulled out a beer, which he had a habit of doing. Mixing alcohol with feelings was never a good idea, but one that Dominic seemed to do often as if it was his only way to cope.

"I don't think that's a good idea." I told him, fearing his answer.

He didn't take any note of what I said and continued to open the beverage, then drinking it down in one until the last drop. I was shocked that he could even stomach beer like that seeing as I couldn't. If I took more than a couple mouthfuls at a time I'd feel like throwing up. But him, he managed to chug the whole thing and after reached for another one.

"Dominic drinking isn't a good idea." I warned him again.

"Look I think it's best if you just go." He shot back without looking at me.

"Why?" I replied, hurt by his words.

"Because I just don't want you here right now, so just go." He told me and I did as he said.

After I got dressed and wiped the tears from my eyes, I walked out his room without saying a word. Then looked at him and said. "You will never, ever change you know that?"

He looked at me and chuckled. "I know."

I turned around towards the door and slammed it behind me as I left. Not saying another word or hinting that I was feeling any emotion. Instead I got into the elevator and decided to cry in here, then went on my journey home.

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