3 • I Wanna Hold Your Hand (end)

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                                                               ☯ Damien's POV 

                Gosh, why did I have to embarrass myself like that? Why did I have to open my big mouth and call Mr. DuBois an asshole? Well, I guess he deserved to be called that. I mean, he is an asshole.

                I blushed when Kadence and I gradually made eye contact for the first time. His eyes were filled with surprise and apprehension. Gosh his eyes were so beautiful. They were an icy blue with specks of electric blue, resembling precious crystals.

                He was just as beautiful. I loved hearing his voice when he read his poem out loud. His voice was different from any other male voice I've ever heard. It was more...soft and sweet, like an angel. I liked it.

                I smiled to myself the whole time he read aloud. He was so cute. The way he was all nervous and timid all the time. He reminded me of an innocent adorable kitten.

                To tell you the truth, I've had a huge crush on him since my Freshmen year. I use to think it was some kind of faze I was going through, but then I knew it was officially a crush when I sometimes found myself daydreaming and staring at him during class when no one was looking.

                He just seems so...different and interesting. And judging from his poem he wrote, I knew something was going on with him behind closed doors. I could see the hurt in his eyes as he always held a sad expression. He was going through something awful...

                When lunch rolled around, I told my friends Rachel and Andrew that I wasn't going to eat in the cafeteria. Instead I was going to eat outside since I knew that's where Kadence ate. Don't ask how I know that.

                I almost burst out laughing at Andrew's confused expression whilst Rachel only shrugged. "That's cool with us. Try not to get eaten alive by ants," she said with a smile.

                I laughed. "I'll try Rachel. Later guys," I smiled and waved goodbye at them before gathering my Gatorade and sack lunch to take with me outside.

                I trudged down the hallway to the back double doors and made sure no one was watching me head out the building. When the coast was clear, I carefully and quietly snuck out and began looking for Kadence.

                It was quite peaceful outside, and a little windy too. The sun had shined bright in the horizon from the clear blue sky. Good thing I had my hood over my head to have shade.

                As I looked around and walked further away from the campus, I suddenly heard strums of a guitar being played and someone singing "I Want to Hold Your Hand" by The Beatles with the tune.

                I had recognized that voice. It had seemed so familiar. It was so calming and sweet as it sang. And when I peeked around the corner of the school building from where the singing was coming from, my lips couldn't help but curve up into a smile.

                There he was; singing absolutely beautifully with his soft, serene voice. Kadence Hoy

                My heart melted with every verse he sung. I fell into a trance as I watched his full lips part, feeling his emotion as the lyrics flowed from them. Gosh he sounded like an angel...

                I didn't know exactly what was going on with me, but I had the urge to just be with him. Not just at school, but also outside of school. I wanted to see him smile. I wanted to make him happy. I wanted to make him laugh, and make him feel and see how truly beautiful he really was.

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