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Dear Diary,

Sorry for the late entry. My phone was shut off. But no matter, I'm here now. For the past few days my dreams have been a bit weird. Well actually a lot weird. Thursday night I had a dream that I was at this special facility for mutant crocodiles. Emily was some sorta expert. That's not what made it weird. In my dream, Alayna practically makes out with my neck and says "I want to fuck you". That's kinda weird!!

Alayna bit me and I finally got her back today. I was kinda pissed off because Alejandro was an asshole. Normal idiot behavior. She kept backing up. I told her I wasn't gonna hurt her. After I bit her, she bit me. She could kill me with her mouth. Ugh I hate feelings. They suck. Especially when I'm on my period. Mother Nature can be a bitch.

Well I promise to write more tomorrow. Til then my dears.


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