Characters: Boys

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(Ian, Andrew, Tyler on the multimedia~)

1. Ian Ezekiel Go Park "Ian"
-half chinese and half korean
-19 years old
-leader ng Campus King

About Family:
-2nd richiest family in the whole world
-may Unnie (Ate) named Samantha Dara Go Park

2. Andrew Pier Kang Go
-half chinese and half korean
-18 years old
-cousin of Ian
-member ng Campus King

About Family:
-4th richiest family in the whole world
-only son

3. Tyler Jin Kwon Takashie
-half korean and half japanese
-17 yeard old
-cousin of Sky
-member ng Campus King

About Family:
-6th richiest family in the whole world
-may Oppa (kuya) named Nathan Jimin Kwon Takashie

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