Prologue: A Promise Fulfilled

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto.

Quick A/N: Sorry if anybody is OOC, I do not know the characters well enough to perfectly replicate how they would act.

Prologue: A Promise Fulfilled

Third-Person POV:

Hiruzen Sarutobi was usually a calm man, who rarely often got angry, this however, was an exception,

"JIRAIYA!" Was heard all around the village, who hardly reacted, used to people yelling at the top of their lungs,

"What do you mean that you forgot!" Hiruzen yelled, this time it was only heard in the Hokage's office, but it was still loud.

Jiraiya shrunk back from his sensei, while he was old, even older than Jiraiya himself, he was still intimidating when he yelled.

"I-I forgot! I had my spy network to keep up, and I had to make sure Tsunade and Orochimaru stayed in the village after his death that I forgot!" Jiraiya pleaded desperately,

"For 2 YEARS!?! Minato named you the godfather! You knew that he was having a son!" Hiruzen bellowed, he then rubbed his temples, and sighed. "Look, I want you to take Naruto with you, Tsunade, and Orochimaru. I want you guys to raise him until he is old enough to take the genin exams, I already have you guys covered when it comes to the time frame. You are going to be on a 10-year S-ranked mission to protect the heir of two very important clans that could be joining Konoha. All I need is you three's approval." Hiruzen said, looking over his students, The Three Sannin.

They were the strongest team to come out of Konoha, even if they had their arguments and eccentricities they always worked together. There was Tsunade Senju, the only female in the trio, she had a very nice heritage, and had the skills to back it up. She was the best medic in all of the Great Elemental Nations, and was probably the worst gambler as well. Then, there was Jiraiya, the famous author of the infamous Icha-Icha series, who was ,respectfully, a ultra huge pervert. He was probably the strongest of the group in terms of raw power, he was adept at sealing and was brilliant at the art of stealth, though he always gets caught when he is peeping at the Hot Springs. Lastly there was Orochimaru, nothing really was known about him, he was the brains of the three and tied in power with Jiraiya, if he could gain any amount of control over the fight. These are the people who he was trusting to watch over his deceased successor's son, he knew that as long as Naruto was raised by them, he would be the safest, and possibly strongest, person in the world.

Jiraiya looked at his teammates, who nodded, they had all been close to Minato in a way, so they were all honored to be chosen to raise his son.

"We'll do it, Sensei. Thank you for allowing us to repay Minato in this way." He responded,

Hiruzen nodded and gestured them to follow him, and opened a hidden door in the wall of the office, which revealed a small room with a crib in it.

"I have kept him in here since last year, when he was almost murdered by a civilian. Now, however, I know that you all will help protect him and make sure that he lives up to not just Minato's legacy, but your own legacies as well."

"Of Course, sensei, he will become the second coming of the Yellow Flash."

"Good, good. Thank you all again." Hiruzen hands Jiraiya a scroll, "I have sealed some of the basic supplies you will need for him. How and when he is trained, I leave up to you three to decide."

The Three Sannin nodded, Tsunade picking up the sleeping Naruto, who smiled and giggled when he saw her, he then did something that shocked all present. He spoke,

"Ka.... Kaa-chan?" Baby Naruto said.

Tsunade stiffened a little when she heard that but smiled and said to little Naruto,

"For now, I am little Naruto."  

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