Chapter 1: Hesitation

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"Come onnnnnn

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"Come onnnnnn." Madison whines over the phone.

"This is going to be amazing. The best week of your life!" I'm choosing whether to go on the annual camping trip or not.

"I don't know Maddy." I bite my lip. "I don't want to relive what happened last year." Every year, our school holds a residential camping trip for each year group. Somehow, I'm a trouble magnet. Every year, something goes wrong for me. No matter how careful I am, something will go wrong.

"I'll be with you the whole time. Trust me. I'll take care of your clumsiness and lack of knowledge on how to not burn down your tent and how to talk to the people you like and how to pack extra pants in case Wilson wants to push you into the lake again." I can just see her pacing back and forth in her room, tugging on strands of her perfectly curled blonde hair. Thinking about her makes me more sure, her confidence rubs off on you. Maybe something will go right this time. Hey. I can't have bad luck ALL the time right?

That's Madison for you. My best friend. We're like sisters but from different parents. We've been inseparable since birth. Literally. We were born in the same hospital, our moms' rooms were next to each other. The nurses even put us next to each other in the nursery. We lived next door to each other, went to the same pre-kindergarten class, nursery, primary and middle schools. Now, we're doing our second year in high school.

Ever since we were little, we looked quite similar but at the same time, not. For example, she has blonde hair that always looks stunning and I have light brown hair that never seems to listen to the comb I pull through it every morning.

"Gwyn? Gwyn, you still there?" I snap back from my daydream.

"Yeah. I'll go."

"Yessss!!!!!" She yells so loud that I actually have to pull the phone away from my ear. "Okay. I'll pick you up for school tomorrow. 6.30 sharp." Neither of us are allowed to drive so she walks over to my house and we walk to school together.

"Wait. 6.30? School starts at 8! Can't we-" I'm interrupted.

"See you tomorrow baby girl!" She exaggerates a kissing noise over the phone. I return it with "see you tomorrow." I can never out argue her. 6.30 it is.

I look at my calendar on the wall. I walk up to it and mark December 15th to 22nd. Seven days. A whole week with my classmates and Madison. Meaning that I have to pack. And I know just who to call.

"Ti?" I poke my head out of the door. "Tina?" From the room on the other end of the hall, a one year younger than me sticks out her head, her emerald green eyes sparkle. "Packing. Seven days." That's all it takes for my sister to drop whatever she's doing and come help me pack. Since I have no talent for mixing and matching up outfits and packing, I usually leave it to my little sister to help me.

"Alright sis, what feeling are we going for? Wintery, cute, refreshed, sweet, what?" She starts to pull out pieces of clothing from my closet. "How about something that I won't embarrass myself in in front of Luke?" She grabs my largest suitcase, a black Samsonite duffel bag and opens it on the bed. "Sure thing." I watch and listen as she explains each day's clothing set and put it into a airtight ziploc bag.

In about half an hour, Tina's packed my toiletries into a large, clear bag, my makeup and hair ties and brushes and headbands and clips into a makeup bag and my comfort things, my two favorite dolls that I've had for eight years into the duffel bag with lots of room to spare. In a smaller bag, she's packed my swim stuff, my hiking things, emergency information, my medical records and books.

"Okay. You're all set. Have fun at camp." She pulls me into a hug.

"Thank you so much Ti! You're amazing. I don't know what I'd do without you!" I really have the best sister in the world.

"No problem! I like packing, so thanks for calling me to help you." I pull away from her.

"Okay, good night Ti." She starts to walk towards the door.

"Night!" The door shuts.

I plop back down on my bed and pick up my phone. Dialing Madison's number, I wait for her to pick up. After about 4 rings, she picks up. "Hello?" A groggy voice answers. "Madison, I just finished packing. You ready? We're leaving for camp the day after tomorrow. Any last minute shopping?" A yawn comes through the phone. "I finished two weeks ago. Now, go to bed. I need my beauty sleep." Her and her beauty sleep go hand in hand. "Okay okay. I won't keep you up. It'd be a real shame if you had dark circles for the last night of the show."

Madison is the lead in our school play, she's one of the best students at drama. Opening night, 10th December, she did an amazing job. Tomorrow's the last night of the show, everyone's a lot more relaxed. Madison, however, got even more stressed. To the point where she came over at 3 in the morning last night and we sat and talked about everything over a mug of hot chocolate. After that, she felt loads better, but she's still anxious. "Night." She mumbles. "Night." I hang up the phone.

After deciding to call it a night, I walk to turn off the lights and quickly jump under the covers so that nothing gets me in the dark. I pull my feet up and curl my toes. Shifting the blanket, I curl up into a ball so that I'm completely covered, head to toe, just in case toe eating monsters decide to pay a visit. I say my night time prayer. I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. I shut my eyes and go to sleep, feeling giddy about tomorrow. I almost forget to set my alarm! Madison will kill me if I don't get up in time. Okay. Good night! 

Okay, okay. I know I'm not done with Room 101 yet, but I wanted to try something different. 

Credit: Thanks to Meaogift for the cover and banner! Go check out her Instagram and Facebook pages :

Instagram : meaodraw

Facebook : meaogift

Hope you enjoyed it and let me know what you think pleaseee, pretty please with a cherry on top. Thanks for reading!

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