"Please just one race! One race!" Akito pleaded with his head bowed and hands clasped together looking he's praying. Ayano would love to say "no" to his face but after being with those 3 boys, and maybe Oboro, who are very persistent, it's clear as day she is seeing a persistent boy. She have no time to deal with him, she'd rather walk out but instead...

"Alright one race'" Ayano said. Akito beamed, he have widest grin that looked like it could split his face into two and his eyes glinting with happiness.

"Oh thank you SO much! I swear you won't regret this!" Akito said. Ayano nodded.

"It better be" Ayano thought.

"Come one! This way to the racing track!" Akito said and gesturing his arm up into following her as he ran towards the destination. Ayano walked.

By the moment Ayano got there, Akito is jogging in place waiting for her.

"Man! You're quiet slow!" Akito commented and stopped his jog in place and put his hands on his hips.

"I see no reason to run" Ayano replied.

"But what if you need it?! Like when being chased and you need to get away!" Akito exclaimed.

"What else can running benefit?" Ayano asked with eyebrow raised.

"You don't know these things?" Akito asked with a concerned look on his face.

"I do but I forget about them once they no longer in tests or quizzes" Ayano said.

"What?! Why? Okay never mind! So, running have many benefits! You can get away from a person! Or go after a person! Increase your strength! Get better moods! And-!" Akito drones on. Ayano only heard "running away" and "chasing someone", with that in mind, she could use those abilities to take down Senpai's possible suitors! She snapped out of it when she heard Akito taking a very deep inhale and his face looked red. How long was he talking again?

"Any questions?" Akito asked cheerfully despite the loss of breath.

"None" Ayano said Can we get started?"

"Eager huh? Alright! In the count of three! Three! Two! One! Go!" Akito yells before running and he laughs along the way as he yells "I'm having fun! Are you?- what?!" Akito stops after seeing Ayano, not running but doing a brisk walk.

Akito placed his hands on his hips and his lips on a tight line, waiting patiently as Ayano catches up to him. Ayano stopped in front of him with her eyebrow raised.

"What's wrong?" Ayano asked.

"What's wrong is that you aren't running you are brisk walking!" Akito exclaimed.

"Are you sure?" Ayano asked again.

"Yes! How could you- wait a minute! You don't know these things?" Akito asked.

"No not really" Ayano said truthfully.

"What?! Don't you know how important this is?!" Akito exclaimed.

"No" Ayano said.

"Why- You know what never mind! I can teach everything you need to know about P.E. and why they're important" Akito said with a wide, hopeful grin.

"Do I have to?" Ayano asked.

"Yes! Didn't I tell you before" Akito said.

Ayano glances up before looking back at him.

"Right" Ayano said with a short nod.

"Okay let's start with the basics with warm ups and we can start running" Akito said.

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