Oboro Ruto

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Last week is much more eventful than the other week. Well, we can start by Osamu becoming more hostile, mostly to Kazuhiko, Kazuhiko forcing himself in the trio and saying that the trio needs his "glorious-ness", and Anju being the referee and big bro of the group. And Ayano learnt that Anju have limits, she found out when she witnessed him hitting Osamu and Kazuhiko with a rolling pin for fighting and yelled something about "making Ayano upset", she doesn't what that emotion feels like but it seems like something she shouldn't experience...

This week, Ayano heard rumors about the president of the Occult Club returning after 3 weeks of absence. His name is Oboro Ruto. They say he is a creepy and freaky dude but she payed no mind.

She was able to stalk Senpai but ever since those boys appeared, she's spending lesser time with Senpai since she didn't want to look suspicious. She can ditch Osamu and Kazuhiko for all she cares but its Anju she needs to watch out, Anju is capable noticing the little things she does and pester her if something's wrong, due to that, she keep her guard up at the same time maintaining the normal girl persona. She's just lucky Senpai isn't popular with girls, Ayano wonders why...

Today, she suddenly feels weird everytime she walks alone (she slipped away from Osamu and Kazuhiko while they were arguing and Anju pleading them to stop), as she walked around school grounds, she found herself being watched. As if someone is right behind her but every time she turns around no one was there. That or the person is really good at hiding. Whoever it was, Ayano won't stop until she finds out who it is. Since she can't get away with stalking Senpai without someone watching her every move and might get scolded by the guidance for her behavior or worse...tell Senpai and he would her creepy and would never return her feelings for him.

"So this is what it feels like being stalked...I wonder if Senpai feels this way..."

For the past 4 days, Ayano have been fruitlessly trying to find who was stalking her. She called up Info-chan but she told her that its best for her to find out herself and told her the one stalking her is harmless. Ayano can't force the information out but asks for hint. Info-chan says:

"He came back from weeks of absence, he's not your classmate but you heard of him".

With that, it all came down to her. Four days ago she heard of rumors about the Occult Club president returning after 3 weeks of absence, if she remembers correctly, her 'friends' told her his name is Oboro Ruto, was it? With that, Ayano devises a plan to catch him in the act. It starts tomorrow after school.

Ayano told the boys she will come home late due to extra credit activities *cough*that'salie*cough* (BTW, they walk her home ever since and she ditches them at any given chance), they told her it was fine. Not without Osamu pouting like a child, Anju telling her to be careful, and Kazuhiko looking unhappy but they left anyways.

Ayano manage to slip away from the teachers since she practiced stealth in stalking Senpai.

*sigh* She was unable to stalk her Senpai as he went home because of this stalker of hers, but she kept in mind it will worth it once she found the culprit and she's home free.

Once the teachers are gone, she walked up to the famous Sakura Tree behind the school. She walked slowly but surely, listening to the sounds around her, and her eyes moving left and right, trying to catch movent. Then the feeling of being watched is more intense, and suddenly she felt a presence coming closer. She continued until she heard a twig crack and she snapped her head around. She saw a figure of a boy dressed of their school's uniform but have a sleeveless, cobwebbed hoodie, his purple blue hair is clearly unruly but his face covered by the shadow his hood is making.

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