Chapter Three: Training

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Juliets POV:

I woke up with a pain in my chest. It felt like I was run over by a car. I walked over to the mirror, and lifted up my tank top, to find a huge bruise.Then I heard it. The voice.

Concentrate on your wound. Let the pain envelope you. Then, wish it away.

I was staring wide eyed at the mirror. It was my mothers voice.

Juliet, honey. Close your eyes and concentrate.

I did just that. I was concentrating, letting the pain become me. Then I wished it would go away, and it vanished as quickly as it came. I lifted back up my shirt and the wound was gone. There was nothing in its place. Nothing. Nada. Zippo. Zero. A big fat goose egg. It then just hit me that that was how you healed yourself. Cool.

I knew my dad wouldn't be home, 'cause he always leaves at like 3 in the morning. Yup, he drinks all day and comes home late at night. Well, moving on, I hopped in the shower and let the steam clear my mind. I stepped out and wrapped a towel around me, and walked into my closet.I picked out converse that went up to right below my knees. I also picked out a short skirt that was black, puffy, and had neon green streaks in it. My top was another black tank top with neon colors splashed on it. I re-dyed my hair neon green and hot pink, and teased it. After putting on my clothes and doing my hair I grabbed an apple and my guitar case and walked out of my house. I decided to walk to school seeing as it was 15 min. away by walking.

When I got there I went to Luke's car and snuck up on him by tip toeing and then I jumped on his back.

"WHO THE FUCK IS THAT!!!" Luke screamed.

"IT'S BARNEY!!!" I yelled back.

"JULIET!!!! DON'T DO THAT AGAIN I ALMOST HAD A HEART ATTACK!!" He screamed laughing too.

"If only..." I said

"HEY!!! MEANNIE!" He wined.

"I'm just kidding, you know I love you." I said back.

"Prove it." He said like a smart-ass.

I kissed him on the cheek and I was still on his back so I yelled "PIGGY BACK RIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

He chuckled and said "fiiiiiiine..."

He started running around the parking lot with me screaming. We ran past the populars and they just looked board, and I felt bad that they don't have someone who will give them a piggy back ride... so sad.

"God, why can't you be normal for once?" Fiona said and when I looked at her confused she added, "You know, normal, as in someone who doesn't run around the parking lot screaming, or wear emo clothes, or have puffy hair, or those SHOES. Ugg."

I just blinked several times and then in a disgusted tone, "This 'normal' you speak of doesn't sound fun at all." And with that I yelled, "Now, ONWARD MY LOYAL STEED."

As we passed LuLu she screamed, "MY TURN!!!!!"

"NEVER!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed tightening my hold on Luke, holding on like my life depended on it.

"Sorry Lu, can't even if I wanted to, little miss death grip over here is to strong." Luke said to LuLu.

"I TOLD YOU NEVER TO CALL ME THAT!!!" LuLu yelled at Luke while I just smiled in triumph at what Luke said.

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