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He took her out a side door and into a huge garage that she hadn't even known was there. Her motorcycle was standing there shining like she'd never seen it shine before. There were a handful of other cars, including his famous purple Lamborghini. He held the passenger door of the Lamborghini open for her, a sinister smile plastered on his face. She slipped into the car and was surprised at how clean it was.

He sped through the streets, not bothering with stop lights or signs. They almost wrecked multiple times, and he cackled every time. Finally, they pulled into the lot of his most famous nightclub. He led her inside and the booming music hurt her ears. They sat at a table right in the middle, surrounded by girls dancing and men buying lap dances.

Joker was silent as they sat there. He had his phone in his hand, seemingly texting someone. She watched as his eyes got angrier and angrier. A moment later, he threw the phone across the room. She watched as it hit the wall and broke into two pieces. A waitress hurried over to it and picked it up. She wanted to ask him what they were doing, but she didn't dare. His eyes boiled over with rage and he pounded his fists on the table.

"Wait here, dollface," he said in a strained voice, standing and walking toward the back of the club. She sat there for a few minutes, very aware of the men around her staring. They all seemed to want to come closer, but even people who had never met the Joker knew to stay the hell away from his girls. Even though she wasn't technically one of them, she knew she wouldn't be touched just based on the simple fact that she'd walked in with him.

Ten minutes went by, and then suddenly she heard screaming coming from the back of the club. It sounded like someone begging for their life. She stood and ran toward the screams. Before she could get there, a gunshot sounded and the screams stopped. The Joker emerged from the backroom, his white shirt covered in blood. His makeup was smeared, blood coating the side of his face. His hair was disheveled and his eyes were crazy. She looked around and was stunned to see that she was the only one paying any attention to him. He started cackling as he saw how frantic she was.

"What did you do?" she demanded, only making him laugh more.

"Nothing that didn't have to be done. Funnily enough, though, I've now got the need for a new overall manager for my clubs. Interested, kitten?" he asked, his eyes still shining and wide.

"I don't even know how to do that," she said, and he laughed again.

"It's not hard. You just boss people around and make sure no one ends up dead that doesn't deserve it," he said, and she couldn't believe that she was even considering it.

"Will you pay me?" she asked, and he scoffed like he couldn't believe she'd asked.

"I'm sure you'll find the payroll quite livable. You will, of course, have to cut all ties with your family and move into the mansion permanently. Can't have you telling the wrong people things they shouldn't know, of course," he said, and she shook her head.

"I can't do that. I can't cut ties with my family."

"Like they care about you anymore anyway? I think you forfeited their care when you robbed my truck and killed my man, don't you love?" he asked, his voice calm and quiet. He was right and he knew it. He knew there wasn't any reason for her to say no. She knew it too, and she also knew for sure that his threats from earlier still stood. "Take the job, Adelaide," he whispered, his face creeping up right in front of hers.

"Fine. But you better not be kidding about the payroll," she said, and he raised his hand tattoo to his mouth.

"I never kid, darling," he said, cackling as he went back to his table and put his coat back on. He held his arm out to her, motioning for her to link hers with it. She walked past him instead, heading toward the door of the club. "Mm, feisty little thing," he whispered, taking his thumb and wiping the blood from his cheek.

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