Chapter 12

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A light breeze passed through Alison's hair. It was getting to mid September and the leaves were just turning a bright orange and yellow.

The village that they entered was small and cute. Not many people lived there, but the ones that did seemed very happy.

Alison wrapped her beige cardigan around her and followed the brothers.

They stopped at a concrete house towards the end of town.

"Well," ed said looking at a paper he had, "This must be it."

He knocked on the door and waited for a response.

They waited.... And waited.... And waited...

"Maybe he isn't home?" Al suggested.

"C'mon, he has to be... YO, DOCTOR! WEVE GOT A BONE TO PICK WITH YOU!"

"Ed!" Al and alison both hissed.

The door creaked open.

"See, I told yo-"

Ed stopped in his tracks to see an old man with black hair pointing a gun at his face.

"You won't take me. Not unless you want a bullet in all of your skulls!"

Alison and Al were shocked and alert. But ed was just confused.

"Chill out old man, we're not here to kidnap you. We just want to ask you a few questions."

"That's what they said before! And then they tried to throw me in prison! But I won't let you! I-"

"Sir! We promise we won't hurt you." Al said putting a hand out.

The old man fired the gun and Al's head flew off of his armor.

The mans eyes widened when he realized that Al was hollow. He dropped the gun and turned to run away, but tripped and fell onto the ground.

"Get... Get away from me! Monsters!"

Alison kneeled down a few feet from the man to not startle him.

"Sir... We promise. We won't hurt you.... We just need to know a few things.... Are you Dr.Marcoh?"

The man was hesitant, but he shook his head.

Ed kneeled down next to Alison.

"We need to know about the philosopher stone." Ed said softly.

Alison had never seen Ed be this gentile with anyone. And Al had only seen it very few times that he was suprised too.

Marcoh sighed and stared at the three. He slowly got up and gestured for them to sit at the table next to him.

"So... What is it you need to know..."

"My brother and I have searched all over for a stone," Ed removed his coat," We're hoping it could get our original bodies back."

Marcoh sighed,"That damned stone.... I understand your situation, but I can't help you. I haven't made a stone since ishval, and nor will I make another as long as I live.."

"Then tell us how to make one. You wont need to do a single thing." Al said optimistically.

" me, you don't want to make one..."

Ed narrowed his eyes," Then how come you made dozens of them during the war?"

Marcohs eyebrows raised.

"Ed..." Alison tried to calm him down.

"No! How come he can make all of those to kill people, but he can't make one to give us our lives back?!"

Ed stood from his seat and stared daggars at Marcoh.

"....You don't understand...." Marcoh said.

"Then why don't you help us understand?!"

Marcoh shook his head and walked over to a desk. He opened the drawer, and out of it he grabbed an old note book.

He tossed it across the table. Ed looked at it and his eyes softened.
"Take it and get out..." Marcoh said, still standing across the room.

Ed put his coat back on and grabbed the notebook.


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