Larry's kid sick- for dancedcnce

Começar do início

"Lou, you look exhausted, love."

 I laid a hand on his shoulder and he just about jumped out of his skin, a quiet squeak slipping from between his lips.

I smiled apologetically and began rubbing his shoulder, "sorry, didn't mean to give you a fright."

 He shrugged, rubbing at his eyes, "s'okay, I'm a bit jumpy."

"Are you alright?"

This is how it goes, week after week.

One of us always gets run down. Between working all day and Jake, things were a bit hectic and tiredness was unavoidable. We just had to look out for each other.

"I'm just tired H, I'm fine," Louis replied, grinning with droopy eyes.

"Do you want to head off to bed now? I'll come with you," I offered, not wanting him to be even more tired in the morning. Some people get cranky or grumpy when they're tired but Louis just gets into this freaky calm, nothing fazes him even a little. Last time he cut himself across the thumb while he was trying to prepare lunch and instead of wrapping it up and calling me he just stared at the growing puddle of blood and the gaping hole in his hand for ten minutes before I came in a quickly took charge.

He was dangerous when he was tired.

"I wanna finish the movie Harry, then we'll go to bed. It only has about quarter of an hour left anyway."

 Louis yawned into his hand. He leaned over and fell on top of me, burrowing into my chest.

"Don't try too hard to stay awake then, babe," I sighed, curling a tuft of his hair in between my fingers.

Barely five minutes later his breathing had slowed down completely and he was dead still. I looked down at him, expecting him to be sleeping but his eyes were still open, shining in the glare from the TV.

"Are you sure you-"

"Ten minutes," he whispered.

Stubborn, as always. It was useless.


I looked to the doorway to see Jake pressed up against the frame. It was still pretty early for Louis and I, but he definitely shouldn't be up still.

"What are you doing out of bed, little man?" I asked. Before I could finish the sentence he was crawling over Louis and tucking himself between us gingerly, dark hair loose over his forehead.

"Hey, hey, what's the matter?" I questioned, getting worried as he wrapped his little arms around my neck and buried his face in the gap under my chin.

 Louis rolled over to see what was going on, "what's wrong, Jakey?"

"My tummy feels sick," he whined, warm breath fanning my skin. I rubbed his small back comfortingly, "like you might be sick?"

"I dunno Daddy, it just hurts," came a the soft reply.

"Let's sit up yeah, and papa will go find the thermometer so we can see how hot you are okay?"

Louis nodded and rolled up onto his feet as I moved into a sitting position, tugging Jake up with me. He hadn't been sick, as in tummy troubles, in a couple of years and I doubted he really remembered that much. If he did vomit without warning then at least he wouldn't choke on it or something equally scary and gross.

I couldn't help but think about how typical this was though. Louis' run down and exhausted, then Jake gets sick, of course. It sounded exactly like the kind of thing that would happen to us.

One Direction SickficsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora