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Song of the Chapter: From the Pinnacle to the Pit by Ghost

Quote of the Chapter: 'You are terrifying and strange and beautiful, something not everyone knows how to love.' Warsan Shire

Malice later went back to the Silver Dollar for her first fight there. It didn't last very long. She gave the knock out punch at approximately nine and a half minutes. The girl she was fighting was repulsive to Malice. She had bleached her hair and coated it with sparkles and had ribbons tied in it. She was like a boxing tooth fairy.

Malice collected her one hundred dollars. As she stepped outside she called James. He gave her his number when they dropped her off. He told her to call, and they would give her an address to go to, so they could all hangout.

When he picked up, James only gave her an address and hung up. She didn't find it odd, though. Malice was used to being direct and straight to the point. She expected others to be the same way.

She arrived at a slightly larger than average home. It was big, but it wasn't obnoxious. On the front lawn were Nolan and Beau squirting each other with water guns when Malice pulled up. She knew what they were going to do the moment she got off her motorcycle.

Thirty seconds later she was drenched head to toe. Her usual scowl deepened and her ears turned red. She stalked toward the house before she could do something she would regret.

The door opened before she had the chance to ring the bell. Lex was there looking anxious. "Did they hurt you?" Malice's jaw clenched, and she let out a long breath. "Come in. You can shower if you like. It looks like they had dye in the water. I'll find you some other clothes. Third door on the left."

She showered using the men's body wash. She peered into the hallway with a towel on because there were no clothes in sight.

She walked down the hall and turned back to where she thought was the last place she saw Lex. It turned out she went into the living room where there were a dozen men between seventeen and twenty five years old lounging there. And she was only wearing a towel.

Rahman was the first person who noticed her, and he took his sweet time before saying anything. "Hello. I knew you wouldn't be able to stay away from me, babe. Here, come have a seat." He patted his leg with a smirk.

Malice now had everyone's attention on her, and she received a few cat calls. She didn't take her eyes off Rahman, though. She slowly walked to him and straddled his waist. Her face transformed into a slow smirk when his hands latched on to her. She leaned forward and gently bit his neck before whispering, "Sorry, but the fact that your ego is bigger than your IQ is kind of a turn off." And she got up and grabbed Lex's hand and dragged him out of the room.

He was red in the face from laughing, and when he calmed down, he realized that she didn't have the clothes he promised. "Right, this way. We'll just go grab something from the laundry room because you never really know if anything else is clean."

She slipped her underwear back on and took the clothes that he offered.

When Malice walked back out, she was wearing a long sleeve tee shirt that was more like a dress on her.

The reaction was the same when she came back to the living room. "What the hell happened to the pants I gave you?"

"They were too big. I don't know what else to tell you. This shirt smells good." She said softly.

James felt a barely noticeable smile grace his face when he notice that she was talking about his shirt. She looked gorgeous and tough and amusing in his clothing.

Malice saw James' smile and was perplexed. She didn't realize that she was the cause of his contentment. The grin completely transformed his face. He looked lighter and younger. It made him twice as beautiful as he already was.

She sat cross legged on the floor in front of the couch that Nolan and James were on. That was a bad idea. Nolan didn't last five seconds before trying to tickle her with his foot. It didn't work, and he started to nudge her for no reason.

"If you don't stop that, I will shove your foot all the way up your ass." He stopped. She was as intimidating as James.

James looked at her with admiration. She was the first girl to scare Nolan. Usually he ended up with their number, not threats.

"Boss, she's hurting me," he squirmed while she kept a steel grip on his ankle. James didn't say anything. "Okay, woman. I'm sorry. Stop. You're hurting me. Why's she always beating up me? Why not someone else?"

"Because you're the only one stupid enough to pick on the girl who fights professionally. Dumbass."

The bickering between Nolan and Beau continued that way on and off for the rest of the night. 

Malice went home around eleven.

James lay awake thinking about the unusual, beautiful, harsh girl. Malice lay awake thinking about the unusual, beautiful, harsh boy. He was interested; she was cautious. She had every right to be.


I only have one chapter in this book to edit before I start writing new ones.

Thanks for being patient with me.

If you have any suggestions or corrections, message me or comment.


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