Chapter 12 - Part 2

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Chapter 12 - Part 2

~Nico's POV~

Where was I? Cracking an eye open, I peered around me, expecting to see the bathroom around me.

Instead, I was back in my bed. Quickly, I got up, or at least tried to. I got as far as sitting up before I got too dizzy. 


I blinked weakly. "Y-yeah...?"

Percy's face was suddenly hovering over mine, way too close for me to actually focus on what he was saying. His sea green eyes and mussed black hair were much more intrigu-

No. No, I can't think like that. I cannot. It is forbidden. Wrong. I had to control myself, this wasn't right, I wasn't supposed to-

"Nico? Are you listening to me?" Percy stared worriedly at me. "Yeah...sorry, zoned out. What did you say?"

"I said, if you ever try that again, I will kill you. Even if I have to go to the Underworld and back." His face was completely straight, but there was a hint of laughter in those eyes. The ones that had drawn me in, like the net of a fisherman.

After the war, I had to retreat. I didn't understand anything, and everything Jason had said only worsened it. The Isle of Shadows seemed like a good hideaway, to gather my thoughts.

Then they had come. I don't know how or why, but probably because I was a son of Hades. On the Isle.
It wasn't that bad on the Isle of Shadows. The shadows obeyed my every command, and I could do what I wanted.

Except leave. Every time I tried, standing on the smooth beach, the waves lapping at the shore would turn black and thick, so that every time I attempted to sail or even wade off with the thought of leaving in mind, I would sink through the ooze and fall back into my room.

At first, it wasn't so bad. I was able to leave by boat. Then the Isle seemed to tighten and I could only leave by shadow travel. That was when I visited Percy.

I don't know why I did that. Maybe to prove I was over him.

I wasn't.

Then, when I returned, it was like the island sunk its claws into me. I was trapped. Whenever I tried to shadow travel, the shadows turned into ooze, and I couldn't leave at all.

"Nico?" I glanced up at Percy. His bluish green eyes were red-rimmed. "W-why did you do that? Y-you could've died." I shook my head. "You wouldn't understand, Percy."

It was true. Nobody would ever understand, and perhaps it was for the better. When I died, everyone would forget about me. I would just be another dead demigod, and was that such a bad thing?

That said, I hadn't wanted to kill myself. It was just a little cut. It was required.

As atonement.

"What do you mean, atonement?" Percy's turquoise eyes stared accusingly.

Had I said that aloud?

Hehehe what do you think Nico meant? :D
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Peace out,

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