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 "Candles." Bonnie answered

"Yes I know a spell which would bring some of her power to us, and you need candles."

"No jack if I look into a candle's flame I can contact the sprite world. But with your spell would we see her?"

"Yes you sit around in a circle of candles and a figure; which would be made of her power, would appear in the circle, it's a way to talk to people if they're in a different universe or dimension."

"Ok, well, we could try that; do you know how to set it up?"

"Yes, but we'll have to sundown to get ten candles, a carcass and an ancient relic."

"Ok Matt can go to the shop to get the candles..."

"Bonnie the relic has to have something to do with magic, have you got anything like that?"

"Yes I can it. What about a carcass?"

"Would a chicken do?" Matt was trying but the carcass was meant to be an offering.

"Sorry, but it has to be fresh, don't worry I'll just get a rabbit." Bonnie looked sick and Matt didn't look that good. "Look I can get a small animal or I can get a pint of human blood in a bottle it's your choice."

"Sorry, it's just Bunnies are so cute."

"Don't worry Bonnie I'll kill it quick and save it from a fox."

"Ok, well we haven't got long, let's go Matt." Bonnie said as she headed for the door.

"You sure a chicken won't do?"

"No, sorry Matt, but the carcass is for the gods and they like blood. So unless you can get a freshly killed chicken then there wouldn't be enough blood."

"All right, bye, and don't worry about what happened at lunch you never hurt me."

Once Matt had left I had my first proper look around my room. As you walked in you could see the wardrobe, which went from the wall by the door to the foot of the double bed which took up most of the room, and opposite was the door to the small bathroom, and opposite the wardrobe was a small cabinet that had a kettle on and to the side of that was a small stove. The walls were a warming creamy light brown and the floor was wood.

I started to pack away the small amount of stuff I had kept over the years then went out to find a rabbit.

I kept true to my word and got to a rabbit before a fox, I kept its death quick and clean, for Bonnie, by cutting the windpipe and drinking the blood flowing from the wound until it stopped bleeding, this kept the fur clean and blood inside the animal for the gods.

When I got back the sun had started to set.

I started to set up by sewing the wound in the rabbit's neck. As I placed the rabbit on the floor there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Matt came in with a bag full of white candles, and behind him was Bonnie who held a statue which looked and smelled about 100 years old, I could sense the power coming off the relic.

"Bonnie any idea what spells that relic has been used for?" it was making me feel uncomfortable, as if it was pushing me away.

"I think it was used to ward off the black mounting wolf."

"Ok, you have a ground wolf replant made of werewolf teeth." I laughed.

"What? Sorry Jack, I could get something else."

"No, we don't have time, look help me put the candles in a circle around the rabbit."

We set the stuff up, lit the candles, turned off the lights then sat around the circle.

"What do we do?" Asked Matt.

"Look at the flame Matt, Bonnie think about your dream. I'm going to call to the gods so please be quiet you two." Suddenly the only sound you could hear was breathing and beating hearts. "Gods, hear our call, summon my sister here, Devlina Laver Wolve, we wish to see her, gods use the relic and take your gift." At that moment a light came down and the rabbit went, when the light died down my sister was standing there like a bad projection.

"Jack you need more power I'm too far away." Her voice was distant and tinny, almost like it had come out of an old speaker. And with that she flicked and disappeared.


I really do hope they call again as I really want to see and speak to the people who are helping my brother.

New Wolf In Townحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن