Chapter 2

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I DO NOT OWN NARUTO!!!! ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO MASHASHI KISHIMOTO!!!!!! Anyway here is the update yall have been waitin for! Enjoy!


I awoke to things crashing. I shot up in an instant and saw Gaara already awake. In a panicked tone and his back to me, he said, "I'm going out there. Lock the door behind me Ai."

I nodded and locked the door as Gaara left. I then heard sounds of fighting and covered my ears as it escalated quickly. Soon, the fighting died down and the only sound I heard was the steady beat of my heart. I pressed my ear to the door, before a knock sounded through the wood.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's me, Gaara." The voice answered. "Open the door, please Ai." I opened the door and saw Gaara with a kunai pressed to his throat. "I'm sorry Ai." He said his voice filled with regret. I backed away, horrified. I turned around to run, but was grabbed from behind.

"No!" I yelled out to the thing grabbing me, "Let me go! LET ME GO!" I then felt a stinging pain in my neck and everything went black.

I awoke to complete darkness. I stood and tried to move my hands, but heard clattering and realized chains bound them. "Gaara," I called, "Gaara, help." I stood and received no answer except silence; complete an utter silence. I heard the door creak open and saw a small sliver of yellow light. I sat down in a panic and looked up to see my visitor; there, stood my aunt. No, anyone but her. I thought, visibly cowering in fear. She laughed a haughty laugh and started moving towards the bed. Halfway towards the bed, my aunt instantly dropped to the ground. I was stunned and figured that someone took her out; I just wish I could move. A little later, someone else came in and closed the door behind them, immersing the two of us in darkness so I couldn't see them. My latest visitor unlocked my chains and said, "Go, run Ai. Run as fast and as far as you can."

Skeptically rubbing my wrist, I asked, "Who are you?"

"There's no time for questions." The voice said urgency in their voice, "Everything will be revealed soon, but run. RUN NOW. Run and NEVER look back! DON'T LET THEM CATCH YOU! Fight in any way you can, just DON'T GET CAUGHT!" I instantly stood and ran right out of the house. I was running, when I felt something grab my waist from behind. I was feeling myself being pulled at and felt a presence coming towards me, when the voice from the cell said in my head, "DON'T LET THEM CATCH YOU! Fight in any way you can, just DON'T GET CAUGHT!" I began to kick, punch, and scratch to try to get away. I heard, "Ai, stop. It's me, Gaara. Calm down." I turned around, although part of me desperately wanted to run far away and never look back. It was actually Gaara. I hugged him and cried into his shirt. I felt my legs go numb and fell to the ground; apparently, my legs couldn't handle it. Gaara then pick me up bridal style and I snuggled into his chest. I felt several people's chakras coming towards us and I tensed up.

Gaara assured me, "Don't worry, Ai. It's just some leaf ninjas here to help."

One ninja asked, "What happened? Is she ok?"

"She's fine." Gaara answered, "She just tired herself out from crying. Where are we going to sleep? My apartment is far from safe."

"Take her to the Hokage and talk to him. He will tell you where to go." Gaara shrugged, "Okay, Arigato."

With that, Gaara and I left and started walking towards the Hokage tower. Halfway there, I dosed off and soon awoke to the sounds of yelling and screaming. I opened my eyes and looked around to find the source of the screaming. Pain suddenly shot through me and I screamed in agony, "AHH!" I began slipping into darkness, as all sounds faded further and further away. I heard someone calling my name, but I wasn't able to answer them before the darkness consumed me.

~~~time skip to a little later~~~

I awoke on a plush surface and looked down to see a bed. I took in the hospital room as my surroundings and noticed one lone figure. I looked closer and saw it was Gaara. "G-Gaara..." I asked my throat and chest sore. Gaara instantly awoke and shot up out of bed to see who had called him. His panic was replaced with relief when he saw that I called him. "Yes, Ai?" He asked.

"Wha-what happened?" I asked. I coughed a little bit and my chest began hurting. Gaara got up and handed me a cup with a straw.

He answered, "Apparently, you had a concussion. As for you blacking out, we don't know the cause. There is no lasting damage though." I nodded, relieved that I wasn't affected majorly. A nurse walked in and quickly checked my vitals. "Everything's just fine." She said, "Would you like anything else before I go?"

I opened my mouth to speak, but Gaara said for me, "Another pitcher of water, please." I nodded and looked at Gaara thankfully. We heard a knock at the door, and Old man Hokage walked in smiling.

"Hello, Ai. Do you remember me?"

"Yes Hokage." I nodded.

"How are you feeling?"

"A bit b-b-better, Old M-man," I said with a smile on my face.

He walked over to the other side of my bed, taking a seat. We started catching up, when an ANBU ninja appeared. I jumped up, alerted and turned to Gaara, who was trying to hide a smile and refrain from laughing. I glared at him and then the Hokage spoke, "Ai, we need you to give us your side of the story for evidence."

I froze and started trembling in fear. Many thoughts ran through my head so quickly, I couldn't even focus on one. I slowly curled into a ball and felt someone climb on the bed. I scooted away, before feeling hands on me. I screamed in fear and began lashing out again, the man's thoughts roaming through my head; the only clear thought being, "Fight in any way you can, just DON'T GET CAUGHT!"

I then heard a voice say, "Ai, it's me Gaara. I'm not gonna hurt you. Just let me help."

I looked, and sure enough, it was Gaara. I flung myself into his arms and cried as I held onto his shirt tightly. He kept wiping away the tears that flowed down my face and began rubbing soothing circles on my back. As my tears dried and my sobs died down to hiccups, I tilted my head up towards my protector. "Ai, look at me. I need you to talk to the ANBU, ok? If you want me present, I can ask the Hokage."

"Wait," I said, my sobs, stifling down. "He's not in the room anymore?"

"No. But will you do it Ai?" I nodded my head, giving him my answer.

"Do you want me in the room with you?"

I buried my face in his chest and nodded. Gaara tried to get off the bed, but I clung to his shirt even tighter, as if it was a lifeline and I was drowning. In response to my refusal to move, he picked me up bridal style. He walked to the door and opened it. The Hokage looked at us with a shocked expression and asked Gaara, "Is she ok?"

"She's fine. I do have a request. Ai would like me present when she gives her side of the story. Is that ok?"

"As long as it makes Ai more comfortable, I approve if it. Do you have an objection, Toshiro?"

Toshiro looked up at us from whatever he was reading and said, "No I do not, Hokage sir."

"Good. Then i will leave you to it."

"If youll follow me please."

He lead the way and we walked into an interragation room.


Cliffhanger!!!! lol sorry i couldn't help but make it a cliff hanger. Any who idk when the next update will be cuz I have things going on that need to be dealt with. Ill still be working on the story.

Have a nice day! Y'all come back now hear?


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