20- Mr & Mrs Dolan

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(So since I didn't do the dirty part
before... THIS CHAPTER IS FOR Mature eyes only!!!!!"

Grayson's pov

As weird as it sound we decided to not have a reception and just go on our honey moon.

We decided that we were going to get married then just take off.

We were in our way to Bahamas because Hawaii seemed to be the place where everyone goes after their wedding.

We went home and grabbed our pre made suit case and left.

"Oh the things we're gonna do," I made a smirking face.

I could tell say was going to be a little nervous.

We got to the airport in about two hours. We boarded our private plane, our parents got us, dressed in our wedding clothing.

"I'm so excited to go to the Bahamas!!" She squeals.

"Me too baby!!"

We got there in like four hours. It was 4:00 pm because of time change.

We got our pent house..

The view was beautiful! Absolutely breath taking.  The plane ride was tiring so we decided to lay down but we won't be just laying down.


Brooke went in the bathroom.

Brooklyn's pov

My mom gave me a present before we left and it was lingerie.

Ugh typical mom.

I put it in anyways.

I walked out and Grayson already had his clothing off. I ran up to him.

I wrapped my legs around his torso. We made you for like a sec and then he started rubbing me.

"Ah gray." I moan not meaning to.

"That's it baby girl... I'm waiting."
Waiting for what..

He took off the lacy material and put so fingers in me.

" Ahhhh." I scream...

"I'm still waiting."

"For... what?"

"Yell my name!"


"That's my baby!!"

"Mmmmm." I keep moaning.

Grayson laid me down and started thirsting in me... pounding me harder and harder.

I am not gonna be walking tomorrow...

After that we got weaker and Grayson rolled over.

I covered up.

"I love you Mr.Dolan."

"Love you Mrs. Dolan." He replies.

I fell asleep.

Grayson's pov

She fell asleep. I felt great be in bed with my Brooke.

We sleep in for the rest of the day.

-----next day

I woke up at 5:30 am. I wasn't used to the time change.

I carefully got up to see the view. The sunrise was beautiful.

I didn't want to wake my beauty so I just took a picture

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I didn't want to wake my beauty so I just took a picture. Like an hour later Mrs. Woke up.

"Good morning." I said

"Hi, just so know I probably can't walk today. " Brooke says.

"Ik, you just say in bed... I'll get you laptop and we can watch movies all day."

"No fucking though." She says

I just started laughing I got out to the living room and grab my laptop.

I setup Netflix and got in bed with her.

"Thanks for laying in bed with me."

"Only for you." I tell her kissing her cheek. We watched movies all day and all night.

We were only in the Bahamas for two more days so tomorrow we'd go out and do something. I was thinking swimming with dolphins.

I was excited, even though Brooke would most likely still be in some pain.

We woke up around five...

We watched some more movie until about ten am and then went out. We went go swimming with dolphins.

Even though Brooke was in pain she went on.

We were there for about 4 hours it was one. I was so much much Brooke loved it. I dropped by the store on the way back to the pent house. I was going to cook dinner tonight.

I was going to cook lemon salmon.

----skip to night.----

I started cooking dinner. I seasoned her fish and popped the in oven.

"Awe baby your so nice!!" Brooklyn says.

"I try very hard."

"I'm kinda ready to go home, even though this is our last night."

"I am too."

Her salmon is was ready I Gave her her dinner.

"Mm this is good gray. Thanks so much!!"
She complements.

Leaving tomorrow morning.

Im so in love w her!!

We went to bed .

----departing day_____

Brooke and I packed up and went to the airport.

Our plane was there to pick us up and we were on our way home.

We got home four hours later and Brooke just crashed.. traveling makes her very sleepy.

We decided to text our parentals when we were more awake.



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