Chapter 79: Standby

Start from the beginning

"When it comes to problems of the heart," Riya said, in her quiet way, "only a girl knows how to soothe the soul."

"Fine go right ahead," Chase blurted out from the ground, trying to take his seat again while wiping blood from his head. "That demon will eat your hearts though."

"Appropriate language!" Shotuku yelled before slapping Chase across the head with a shoe, sending the hothead careening across the room.

"Does anyone else feel like this is completely interrupting our class lesson, or am I the only one who noticed that?" Ardwen raised his finger up trying to gain attention but stares from every other student in class quickly shut him down.

"Now then." Nami crossed over to Porter and stood in front of his desk, slamming her hands down on either side of it and leaning down to gaze directly into Porter's empty eyes. "Let's see what we've got here." There was a dead silence in the room as Nami stood there and Porter sat. Nobody moved. Nobody spoke. Nobody breathed. "You're right, he's completely soulless!" she finally stated, toppling backwards as if her spirit had been sucked right out of her body.

"Porter please," Riya whispered, placing a hand on Porter's shoulder and leaning in close. "If there's a problem, you can tell me about it at least."

"Nothing...nothing is up." Porter scribbled notes onto his computer screen, regardless of the lack of lecture going on around him. The rest of the class looked onwards in total confusion and shock at Porter's state of mind and soul-sucking abilities. Nami had to begin comforting Riya in a corner as she pondered her failure at cracking the demon Porter.

Mr. Shotuku eventually resumed his lesson for the day, teaching the ways of chi to his students as they all sat in a very large circle as far away from Porter as possible. At the end, Shotuku released all but the CRU from his class, keeping them back so he could have a private word with all of them.

"Porter's condition aside, the six of you will need to prepare yourselves for upcoming deployment in the field," Shotuku explained. An array of screens appeared behind the professor displaying the Jahari and their forces on the field of battle. "The arrival of the Jahari has been quite surprising to the Enian armies. While the invasion from the Artisans is now over, the demand for reserve units is taxing on the military. They will need the full support from the academy if more Bahari attacks occur, and we plan on sending them our best." Shotuku scanned the group, from a crestfallen Riya being babied by Nami, to a bruised and battered Chase, to Raul and Ardwen who were convinced their souls were stolen, to Porter who was syphoning souls away. Shotuku sighed, thinking of the famous heroes he had trained in the past. "I suppose you are the top we have in the school due to your past accolades."

"So we need to get ready to battle the Jahari in the future?" Ardwen spun his pen between his fingers. "We can do that. I'm sure the academy database has enough information loaded in now."

"Perhaps," Shotuku agreed. "Strategy will not necessarily win this kind of engagement though. From your previous encounters though, plans haven't necessarily been the strongest suit of the Crisis Rescue Unit. Prior to this, your skills have been enough to get you through your situations, but now I am no longer sure. I do believe in your talents individually, but you can no longer go about relying on singular moments of heroism to win your fights."

"Except for my moments of-" Chase was silenced before he could finish his bragging as a slipper bounced off his forehead.

"Teamwork is the key to success here. It is entirely possible you will be deployed within an existing force as well, so you may all be receiving new commands from generals, and not from Ardwen."

"No, will always have commands." Ochenkov stood in the doorway, his massive body taking up the entire door frame. The barbarian moved into the room and stood next to Shotuku. "Rhino recovered. Am coming as well with kids. I will be general."

"Hmm, interesting." Mr. Shotuku pulled on his beard for a bit, his eyes moving between Ochenkov and the students and then back once more to the screens behind them. "Maybe it would be best then to be under Ochenkov's lead. While he may not be completely up to his former strength, his knowledge should be enough to carry you all through most engagements.

"So we are on standby until further notice?" Raul asked, getting a nod from Shotuku in response.

"Until the call happens..." Shotuku said, reviewing the screens before turning to look back at the class with a twisted grin on his face, "it will be a harsh training until your bodies break!"

A/N: Syn can make sacrifices? Perhaps there is more to the man within the machine after all. Meanwhile, the CRU is stuck on hold until the next Jahari attack. But when is that?!

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