Chapter 23

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"I love them Megan, your literally the best," Chloe showed off her brand new superstars, Megan was so happy, she thought her depression was cured. "Oh Megan, whats your favorite animal?" Chloe asked, "cat," Megan laughed, "oh, you have two cats so whats your second favorite?" she was laughing as well, "i want a huge aviary of parrots, thanks," Megan tried to be simple, "i also want a wolf pup but i don't think i could get that," she smirked. "Andrew will give you a wild life permit so you can buy what ever animal you want," Chloe explained. Megan nodded with a grin on her face, "I told you Brandon would love you because she love animals," she added, "yep," Megan laughed, Brandon was lost so he came up to the girls. "Are you talking about me, I heard my name," he smirked. "Yea.. sort of," Megan laughed. "We should be talking about how pretty and amazing you are," Brandon flirted, Megan realised that he wasn't acting like himself. Chloe watched Brandon carefully, "his innocence has gone." Chloe whispered to Megan, "ikr, he asked me to suck bob yesterday tf," Megan was shook. Brandon tried to pull Megan away from Chloe, "Brandon stop it," she hissed, "why?" He asked cheekily, Chloe slapped his arm, "she said stop you douchbag," Chloe was disgusted. He shoved Megan up to the wall, before he could do anything Chloe slapped him in the face, "leave or you will be sorry," she was being very protective. "Oh ok..." he walked away, feeling hurt. Megan looked at him sadly, "I feel bad," she cried, "no his being an idiot," Chloe snapped. "I'm going to talk to him," Megan walked away from Chloe and said no more. "Brandon!" Megan called out to him, she heard someone crying in the hall way, "are you ok?" She cried. "I guess so," he lied. "It's my birthday, please don't be sad, your making me sad," her mascara was running down her face. "I feel like I'm a bad person," he murmured, "excuse me, you are not a bad guy at all, your far from that, your my smile, laugh, everything..." she explained, Brandons frown turned into a lit up smile. "Your mine as well," his heart warmed up, hugging her, "maybe dont be so sexual in front of Chloe, she doesnt like it," Megan laughed. Brandon shrugged with worry, "my cheek hurts now." Brandon was rubbing it in pain, Megan kissed it better with a sweet look on her face. "Lets enjoy the party while it lasts, they went into the living room, Johnny, Jacob and Nya were playing just dance 2k17. "Ooo, my turn," Megan waited till the next song was finished, she scrolled through songs and found 'sweatshirt.' Jacob looked up with proudness, "why can't 'hit or miss' or 'all my friends' be on the game?" Nya shook her head. They picked the song 'sweatshirt' and pressed play, *song starts playing*
Jacob was singing the song off by heart, "ew i sound worse on tv then i did while recording it," he roasted himself. "Shut up Jacob, you can sing," Megan insisted. As the song finished Megan went back outside to find Andrew, she wanted the permit to own the animals. She found him lying on the ground with blood all over him, "OMG!" She screamed in horror, "BRANDON!" She cried, he came rushing out, he jumped as he saw the body on the floor, "RAHHH" Andrew jumped up while laughing as the couple screamed in surprise. "Shit, i hate you so much Andrew," Megan shook her head with shame. "Im sorry, i miss being a idiot with Jake, i thought pranking people would be fun," he grinned. Brandon spat with disgust, "can i have my permit now? Oh and do you have a wolf pup?" Megan asked desperatly, "oh yea, sure, sure. I will get the permit oh and i have a new litter of wolf puppys at home, i can bring it over tomorrow." Andrew handed a registered licence, "all my dreams have come true," Megan cried with happiness. "None of this would have happened without my friends and you Brandon, you read Nyas DM," she smiled. "I am so glad for that, that was months ago." He thought back of the day he met Megan at her old lovely home in a quiet neighborhood, he got butterflies thinking of that day. Andrew handed one of the macaws from the perch above him. "This is kya and the other one you get to name because people were not happy with his name.." he explained, still confused, "was it the h word?" Megan held back a laugh, "yea, can you please explain to me whats so bad about Henry?" Andrew was curious, "you don't wanna know," Brandon stopped her from saying it. "Ok." Andrew went quiet, "i think i better get home," he started to grab his animals and put them in cages. "This is pepper the chinchila," he showed Megan, she smiled adoringly. "This is Larka, shes a fennic fox," Megan nodded, she knew her animals very well. Andrew then went on and showed her snakes, monkeys, frogs, koalas, bats and many other amazing animals. Brandon had no idea what the species were but Megan was an animal expert, "i wanna swim with sharks one day," she thought, "no," Brandon refused. Andrew finally left, Simone, Hunter, Brandon and Ashton helped Megan build a bird avairy. Nya, Chloe, Jacob, Johnny went home because it was late and they were all very tired. "Best birthday ever," Megan cheered, she was holding Kya and the other macaw that she decided to call 'Night' she always loved that name. Night was rubbing his face on Megans head, "hurry up, his annoying the shit out of me," Megan laughed, Kya squawked about while doing a dance on her arm. Brandon laughed at her as she flew onto him and tickled him on the ear. "I'm so glad that you love animals as much as i do," Megan blushed, "animals are amazing, i could never live without a pet." He looked around at the backyard, their house was like a zoo.

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