1 day till the dance

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There was only 1 day till the dance. And Dexter had run out plans. But the play was today, and Chase had an advantage. Blondie had said there was a kissing scene in the play. And if Chase somehow gave Raven the potion and they kissed before midnight, all hex would break loose. But Head Master Grimm said it was inappropriate for there to be a kiss scene and removed it. So Dexter had until the dance to tell Raven, and stop the Chase.
Still Dexter, longs over the fact that he had not been chosen for the role. He would give anything to be the prince Charming of his High School Sweet Heart. But he knew that was never going to happen thanks to Chases the inspirational words. Raven unlike the girls at Ever After High, "she believed in writing her own destiny." And she didn't care what anybody else thought. Dexter admired her confidence. She was really a sweet girl, from an evil background. Ever since Legacy Day, Dexter fell in love with her. She was an inspiration. A person who wanted to change the world. She was a rebel. She was the person who made Dexter Charming finally fall in love.

And now shes about to be cursed. Forced to be with someone who doesn't even deserve her presence. It was like faith slipped through Dexter's fingers. He had the chance to change what was going to happen, yet he let it blow away. He had let himself down. And now the one he loved was about to pay for it. All because he didn't have the courage to tell her his true feelings.

On the contrary, He had no choice. He had to tell Raven his true feelings at the dance tomorrow, its the only a way for Chase to be exposed as a jerk.

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