Chances are looking slim..

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Dexter just stood there, honestly shocked. In a way, I guess you could say Dexter compared Chase to his brother Daring Charming. He thought that Chase would get so caught up in talking about himself that he would completely forget about his surroundings and tasks. But either way, Dexter was frightened of what might happen next. Could a fight break out? Could the truth come out? Could Raven find out? Could she happen to see and think that both of them were jerks? Was he about to look stupid? Possibly.. Was he going to be hexpelled for looking in Chases bag??? And even worse! Band from the dance?

All the questions just popped in to Dexter's head in one single second. It was all happening to quickly. But then Chases voice snapped Dexter back into reality.

"Ummm, do you care to explain why you were in my satchel? Didn't do your chemythtsry homework or some thing??" Chase said impatiently. The whole table starred at Dexter, and waited for an accurate response. Here goes... Dexter thought to himself. "Wait? What? This is...your satchel??" Dexter nurtured. "Um, I think so.." Said Chase sarcastically. "See, I broke my glasses the other day, and got new ones... I'm still adjusting , this looks a lot like my satchel." Dexter said, which it really did not. "Dude, can I talk to you for a second?" Said Chase, as him and Dexter went to a section of the cafeteria where no one really heard them. " Was I not clear when I said if you try to pull any funny business then I would tell Raven." Said Chase " OK, but what your doing is wrong. Raven doesn't want to be with you! And the last thing she would want any one to do is to force her. If she knew, you'd probably be casted far far away from here." Said Dexter not holding back

" So, if she doesn't want to be with me? Than who does she want to be with?? You. Oh, please! She would never be with someone who isn't confident, or in cool, or shy. You don't even have the guts to tell her you like her. Just forget about it! Someone like to her couldn't possibly be with you." Chase said meniaclly.
"And if you try to pull anything else I will tell her your true feelings. I'll also tell her that you tryed to frame me just because you were jealous. Got it?'' Said Chase Dexter just felt like he had a 0% chance with Raven. Chase was right. How could Raven ever be with someone like him. She deserves a confident, good looking, cool guy. That just wasn't him. ...but it wasn't Chase either. Dexter was not going to give up.

behind the curtians.(an Ever After High school story)Where stories live. Discover now