Chpt 3

843 57 23

No but it is currently business hours and I assume that means that either you are indulging me, which while I appreciate is not necessary or you are on break or slacking off in your duties.

(Wed 2:27pm)

Not to mention I do not usually find myself in need to take out my frustrations on someone and it may be considered rather tedious for you.

(Wed 2:27pm)

I like to think our little talks as my break from work. I am indulging you I guess but I am also indulging myself as well.

(Wed 2:28pm)


(Wed 2:28pm)

Thank you then.

(Wed 2:29pm)

There's nothing to thank.

(Wed 2:29pm)

Now your client.

(Wed 2:30pm)


(Wed 2:30pm)

Oh yes right well


(Wed 2:54pm)

Kora you're doing the creepy smile thing again. I thought you were in a bad mood an hour ago cuz of that last job you did.

(Wed 2:56pm)

Did you kill your client?

(Wed 2:57pm)

My god you did didn't you?

(Wed 2:57pm)

We all talked about this. We even had an intervention. Jesus you really need anger management therapy kora.

(Wed 2:58pm)

There is no way you can be this happy otherwise (unless your txt bud really is magic)

(Wed 2:59pm)

No way he IS magic

(Wed 3:00pm)

Colonello shut up you are ruining my good mood with your everything


(Wed 4:09pm)

Espresso yourself

(Wed 4:09pm)


(Wed 4:10pm)

My business associate is a fucking pervert

(Wed 4:10pm)

So is some of my subordinates thinking about it

(Wed 4:10pm)

A lot of them

(Wed 4:10pm)

Oh god I'm surrounded by perverts

(Wed 4:11pm)

What happened?

(Wed 4:13pm)

It's really nothing, I mean it happens near daily really but apparently the 'cupcake' incident has now spread and my associate kept slipping in non-too-subtle innuendos to do with 'cream' and 'things he would rather I choke on' and 'larger harder things than a cupcake'

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