04 | assassin

23 11 0

03 | a s s a s s i n

she is just a girl, nothing more, nothing less

A FEW DAYS had gone by since the encounter with Gold in the forest and he had gone to see her once to tell her he would come to her to train. He had business in town he had to take care of and didn't want to be distracted by Gold.

Not that it helped, as the beautiful blonde girl with the bow and arrow had never left his mind. She struck him in a way he felt unfamiliar with and he often wondered if she felt the same way despite the fact that she was stubborn. Fen was ecstatic when Gold wanted to train with him. If it was an excuse to spend time with her, than so be it.

He wondered how she got such beautiful eyes. The gold flecks stood out from the green when she was in the sunlight and he would stare at them in awe. And her rosy lips, were as plump as a juicy strawberry on a warn summer's day he wanted to kiss them. He had seen her three days, and he was thinking bad thoughts. Who was this woman that could affect him so much?

When he called her beautiful the night of the fight, he had regretted it. Not thinking she was beautiful - but telling her she was. He wasn't ever like this to a woman and the instant forwardness he had when talking to Gold bugged him. He had stopped himself from telling her she was beautiful a second time in the same night, but he knew she heard his slip up.

Gold, it seemed, was playing tricks with his mind. And he didn't know if he hated it or if he wanted to play along.

Fen rounded the corner of the pub and went inside. He grumbled when he saw his father sitting down at one of the window seats. To say Fen and his father were distant was an understatement. He only encountered his father if it was necessary. Thanks to his father, he was the man he was today; a killer.

"Hello, Fen. Glad you decided not to ignore me. You know that wasn't a wise choice last time." He said when Fen sat down across from him. Fen grimaced at the memory.

"Hello, Father." Fen said, barely muttering the last word. He didn't like to think of the man sitting in front of him as his father.

"Fen, you should know why I call you. You're 'services' are in need again." Fen was sick of the 'services' he had to do because he knew it was his father's way of saying killing. Fen's father, David, was the leader of the assassins or the king of assassins as everyone put it. He was the reason for Galleria's finest assassins, including Fen.

When Fen turned 18, his father had given him two choices; join the assassins or leave his family forever. But Fen had been an assassin. Not for him of course, because he would have gladly left his god forsaken father, rather he had done it for his little sister, Faraday. He gave up his future because he knew their father would give her the same option. No matter how precious she was, he wanted to give her a life she would love, that she didn't waste killing innocent people.

"Good to know." Fen said sarcastically. He wanted to get this stupid meet up done with and leave.

"Well, then." David pulled up a piece if paper from inside his tunic and gave it to Fen silently.

"Is this all the information I need? If this is all, I'd like to go." Fen said without glancing at the paper. He already knew what would be on the slip - the name of the next victim.

"Well I came for something else too..." At that Fen rose from his seat. "Just listen. I'm your father."

Fen chuckled at that. "I didn't realize I had a father. A father wouldn't make me who I am today."

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