Chapter 2 [Proofread & Edited]

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The very next day after the meeting, Hyun had found out and dumped me before I had had the chance to say anything. I understood that he had been hurt -- he had probably thought I had kept it a secret all along. But if he had waited for me to explain, we could have solved the problem together. It seemed our year long relationship had faded to nothing in a matter of minutes. 

Soon enough, the whole department rushed into my office, flooding me with questions, protruding my personal space.

"Director! Why'd you break up with Hyun?"

Geez, right off the bat.

"When did you become so close with Jumin Han?"

"Director, you need to tell us!"

"Is it true that you're battling for his hand in marriage?"

"And with Sarah Choi of all people?"

My students had helped me kick out the unwanted guests and left me be. If it wasn't for the stupid news, I could've explained it to Hyun and the others what had actually happened. I sighed in frustration. Suddenly, my phone started buzzing as an unknown number was displayed across the screen. Hesitantly, I answered the call.


"Is this Ms Yoona Kim?"

My eyes widened in shock. It was the Chairman's son. "...Y-Yes."

"Good. I've called you to talk to you about our first date."

I made a face and shivered at the thought. "Don't say that. You make it sound like we're actually a couple planning a date."

He paused for a moment before replying, "...You don't want that?"

I scoffed, incredulous. How did he not know that? "Want what? Your hand in marriage? No, thank you. I was perfectly happy with Hyun--"


"My ex-boyfriend, thanks to your father. If your father hadn't been so--"

"Ah, right. You had a boyfriend."

"Wait, stop interrupting--"

"I don't see why you like him. He's a pretty normal simpleton. I have anything anyone could ever want. Money--"

"Can you just get to the point?"

"I was until you started ranting about your ex-boyfriend--" I yelled an I did not rant! "--but yes, I will get to the point. The date is next Friday. You're off duty on Fridays, right? Three o'clock at noon on the dot and you should be ready outside."

"Wait, what do you mean outside--"

"Now, excuse me."

Just as I was about to say something, he hung up and my home screen flashed in my face, taunting me. Infuriated, I blew up at my bangs in frustration and groaned as I threw myself onto my chair. I wished this would all end.


"What should I wear..."

I mumbled as I dug around my closet for any decent clothing. Knowing this son-of-the-C&R-International-Chairman, it was very unlikely for him to bring me to a casual 'date'. I sighed, throwing away a worn-out dress. I should go shopping.

Grabbing my car keys, I ran out the door and drove to the mall. It's been a while since I shopped for clothing. I barely have time for such things with my job as my priority. As soon as I entered a shop, I saw a variety of dresses and other cute things to buy.

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