By now, there was a whole crowd of people standing in front of the house, talking excitedly while watching it burn. Darkness seemed to deep into her mind, shutting everyone out. Why can't everyone just go away? They don't care at all about Mother and Father... They just want to gossip... She could hear a faraway wailing of a fire truck's siren, people were crowding around her, Lissa and Frederick pushed them away, leading her to a quiet space...

    After much investigation held by the police, they found what'd caused the fire. When Lucina had blown out the candles on her cake, one of the candles didn't get extinguished correctly. They were thrown in the trash bin where they'd lain smoking for hours, until the smoke began to grow hotter and hotter until it lit the whole bin on fire. The fire spread through the whole room, and by the time Lucina had woken up, it was too late. 

    "Lucina, wake up, we're here now," Lissa said, shaking her awake.

    "Wha- oh, that's right." Lucina unclipped her safety belt and gets out of the car. Morgan was already standing outside, staring at the golden field before them.

    "Luci?" Morgan asked quietly.

    "Yes, Morgs?" Lucina turning towards him, smiling softly.

    "Why did they choose this to be their resting place? I mean, of all the places, why some random field?" Lucina thought for a while.

"Well, for them, it wasn't some random field... I think that this was the place where they first met..."

Morgan looks at Lucina.

"Where would you want to rest when you die then?"

Lucina grinned, "Wherever you, Mother, and Father are, of course. Come on, follow me. I think they're around there somewhere..."

Lissa starts to follow the two of them, but is stopped by Frederick.

"Leave them be for now. They should say good bye themselves."

Lucina leads Morgan over to the shade of a cherry tree. The flowers were in full bloom, pink petals raining down onto the two graves. They were made of plain marble, but the simplicity made them beautiful. Lucina and Morgan knelt down in front of the graves.

Here rests Chrom Lowell,

A loving and unforgettable father, husband, and brother

His life a beautiful memory, his absence a silent grief.

May 27, 1970 - April 20, 2007


Here rests Robin Fellbrand Lowell,

A kind and compassionate mother, wife, and sister-in-law

There was grace in her steps, love in every gesture.

December 2, 1969 - April 20, 2007

"So this is where they've been all this time," Morgan smiles. "And the place where we'll one day be..."

A day that I may perhaps look forward to... To see Mother and Father again, is like a dream... Maybe oneday...

A clap of thunder shook Lucina out of her thoughts. A single rain drop fell down onto her face, mixing in with her tears.

"When did it start raining? Morgan, come on!" Lucina grabs his hand and they both start running to where Lissa and Frederick are. The raindrops were now coming down harder, every drop of water felt as if needles were pricking their skin.

Where Home Had Always Lain - A Modern Fire Emblem Awakening AU FanficWhere stories live. Discover now