Part 1

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Lucina yawned, getting the sleep out of her system and stretched her arms above her head.

I wonder when I'll see Mother and Father... I miss them so much... She pushed her blue hair out of her eyes and back into her yellow headband. Why couldn't I have joined them too? When they ---

"LLLLUUUCCIIIIIII!!" A blue haired six year old boy barged into the room.

Gods, I've never seen Morgan run so fast! Lucina looked up, alarmed.

"What's wrong, Morgan?!"

"A roach!" The young boy cried.

"A... roach? As in the bug?" Lucina sighed.

"No! Not a bug! I love bugs! A roach! Like a freakish big nightmarish one that has big hairy legs, and IT'S GOING TO KILL ME!!!"

Lucina picked her younger brother up and smiled bravely. "It's okay, Morgs. It won't hurt you because I'm here!"

Morgan hugged her tightly, "Yay! You're the best big sister EVVVEEERRR!!!!"

Lucina beamed happily. "That's right... If there was anything that made this life worth living for... It would've been you..."

There was a sudden buzzing in the room, and a large cockroach came flying in through the door.


"Don't worry, Morgs!" Lucina grimaced determinately, but then faltered. "I'll... Oh dear... But it is quite large and hairy and creepy and disgusting, isn't it..."

"WHAT?! Mom and Dad told you to take care of your little brother, didn't they?" Morgan glared at her. Lucina hesitated for a moment, "Well, yes... They did..."

"Hey! What's going on in here?" A man with tidy brown hair walked in, his face serious and frowning as usual.

"Huh? Oh, hello, Uncle Frederick!" Morgan smiled cheerfully. "We're just trying to kill a roach!"

"A cockroach? Honestly, you two..." He walked carefully over to where the cockroach was resting and squashed it beneath his foot. "You both are too old for this."

Before heading out the door, Frederick paused for a moment, sticking his head back into the door frame. "By the way, you aunt and I need you two down in the kitchen. We have something to tell you."

They waited politely for their uncle to leave and sat back down on the floor. Morgan laughed. "Haha, figures he'd be the one to kill it. Uncle's unshakable."

"Indeed, though he's much less composed when it comes to scolding us..." Lucina's face fell.

"Aw, you really upset about that? I actually kind of enjoyed it," Morgan replied positively.

"You seriously enjoyed the scolding?" Lucina laughed.

Morgan giggled, "I enjoyed the whole thing! It was hilarious!"

"Well, it did have it's moments," Lucina smiled. "Kind of when we got in trouble all the time with Father..." Something that'll never happen again...

"Dad? Oh... Oh! Didn't Aunt Lissa mention that we'd be visiting them today? Mom and Dad?"

"Is that so? That's wonderful! It must be what Aunt Lissa and Uncle Frederick want to talk to us about!" Lucina exclaimed happily, "We haven't seen them since..." Her face darkened, and her smile slipped off her face. "Oh well, no use dredging up the past."

Morgan looked up curiously at Lucina. "What do you mean?" he asked, confused.

Lucina plastered on a smile and replied, "It's nothing. Come now, let's go downstairs."

Where Home Had Always Lain - A Modern Fire Emblem Awakening AU Fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें