Kita D. Kaede Updated Information

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Full Name - Kita D. Kaede

Bounty – Sixty million beri under the name of Crimson Shot Mayumi, one hundred and thirty million beri bounty as Black Streak Usagi, a bounty of three hundred and seventy million beri under the pretense of Dancing Sword Kin, and a two billion beri under the pretense of Death's Tempest. Death's Tempest's bounty has been revoked though since she is believed to be dead. In total that's a bounty of two billion five hundred and sixty million beri or a total of five hundred and sixty million for the active bounties.

Gender - Female

Height - 5' 9" (175.26cm)

Age - 21 years old

Appearance – Short hair that stops at her shoulders and she has bright purple eyes. Her hair is usually up and she will change her hair colour every so often. She wears simple t-shirts while switching in between wearing pants, shorts, and on the extremely odd day skirts. She has discarded her old habit of wearing baggy clothes and always wearing a hat to hide her hair. She has a small chain bracelet located on her right wrist that has a straw hat charm, a blue top hat charm, a small ace of spades card charm, an orange cowboy hat charm, a red top hat charm that has a white x on it, a violin charm, a gold coin charm, a bottle of cola charm, a brown journal charm, a slingshot charm, a chef's knife charm, a sword charm, and lastly a small white gate charm that, upon close inspection revealed Whitebeard's mark on it and it always seems to be in brand new condition.

Fighting Style – She prefers hand to hand combat but she can also use weaponry and Haki. She has excellent control over a wide variety of weaponry. She uses a bo staff as her main weapon but she switches between weapons depending on the situation and area. She will also use the curse more often since she has a better control over it and better knowledge of how to work it. She still favors using the Kaze-Kaze Fruit over the other fruits and often she will use multiple fruits at the same time.

Background – When Kaede was still a baby her father was captured by the marines and after three and a half years of torture he was finally killed. Another two years after that, on Kaede's seventh birthday, her mother was murdered and she was captured by the marines. For two and a half years she was Caesar's personal experiment toy until Sengoku found out about the program and managed to get it cancelled even though it was the Gorousei's project as well as the Tenryuubito's, current favourite entertainment. The program's subjects got transferred to other bases and Kaede was sent to one near the edge of Paradise right beside the Calm Belt that separated the Grand Line from the East Blue.

After half a year Kaede busted out with the help of the curse and she managed to travel far away from the base before she collapsed on the beach near the forest on Dawn island. Ace, Sabo, and Luffy found her while she was unconscious so they brought her back to the tree house. Since she was injured the boys managed to get her to stay since she was injured during her escape. She ended up staying with them even after she was fully healed and when Sabo was shot down she got a major reality punch to the gut, especially since it was a Tenryuubito who shot Sabo down.

She tried to leave but Ace pulled the 'You'll completely destroy Luffy' card and Kaede understood the under laying meaning that it would also partially destroy Ace. She stayed for six more years with the two D's before leaving the day after she turned fifteen since she had caught wind that the search for her was picking up once again. To keep her brothers protected she left. She never mentioned them to anyone so the government couldn't tie the two boys to her and use them as leverage to get to her.

She returned to the Grand Line almost immediately after she left, feeling more at home with the rough weather and strange way of navigation. She eventually was discovered after about a year and given the two billion beri bounty. Since they did not know Kaede's name they only put the name they called her by, Death's Tempest, on the poster underneath the picture of the white haired, grey eyed girl. She disappeared from the government by simple changing her appearance and a couple months later she ran into Ace.

Kaede continued to transverse the New World and she'd make trips back to Paradise now and then. After four years one of her trips to Paradise turned bad and she had to fight all three Admirals, two Vice-Admirals, and eight platoon of soldiers. She managed to escape after being wounded badly and she somehow got to Water Seven where the Straw hats found her.

Author's Note

I know I said I'd publish some stuff sooner but it turns out that all my classes wanted to put test on the same week with some assignments as well. I apologize for the late update and also the rest of the updates are probably going to be a while as well.

Queen of the FruitsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora