12. Heartbroken Friendship

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Antonia ran out of the house - but instead of sitting down outside, like she always did, she ran away.  She ran past the house, through the yard, and into the town.  As fast as her legs would carry her, for as long as they would.  When she finally collapsed, she was on the side of a dirt road.  She had no idea where she was, and she didn't honestly care.  All that she cared about was getting away from that house.  Away from Enoch, to be specific.  She looked around for somewhere to go, where nobody would be able to find her.  She ended up going into a local pub and ordering a water, then sitting in the corner of the room.  She sat there silently, staring at the water for possibly hours, until someone pulled out the chair across from hers.

"You okay?"  She vaguely recognized the voice as Jacob's, and she looked up to be faced with him.  "You were quick to run away."

she shook her head, looking back at the water.  "I-I just couldn't do it.  Enoch thinks being killed by Hollowgasts is a joke, but there are actual people who have lost other actual people to those monsters."

"Must be tough, dating someone who just disrespects you."

She chuckled slightly, shaking her head.  "Enoch isn't my boyfriend."  She ran her finger across the dusty surface of the table.  "I dated someone like him, once.  Same peculiarity, basically the same personality..."

"Didn't like it?"

"I loved every single second of it," she whispered.  "I mean, he was a little rough, but I loved him."

"And, where is he now?"  When she didn't answer, he realized.  "He's the one that got killed by the monsters, isn't he?"

She nodded, very slowly.  "Him," she said quietly.  "My friends, who became my siblings," she said quieter.  "The woman who became my mother," she said so quietly it was hardly even audible.  "Everyone got killed by the monsters, Jacob.  That's why I got so upset.  And he knows."

"First, you can call me Jake.  Second, why would he do that?"

"I don't know," she said as tears began to blur her vision.  "He told me that he likes me, but then he does this.  Why are guys so complicated, Jake?"

"I don't know," he sighed.  "But not all of us are.  I'm not."

"I don't really wanna date anyone, Jake."

'I wasn't asking you to date me.  I meant I can be a non-complicated person for you to talk to."

"I don't wanna bother you with all my girl problems," she said with a slight chuckle.

"It's fine, really.  I'll honestly just enjoy having someone to talk to, I was never really one to have friends."

she shook her head.  "That's awful.  But we'll be your friends now.  Me and Claire and Horace, and Emma once she warms up to you.  And Reggie, he's a talking rabbit."

"A talking rabbit?" he asked, confused.

"Yup.  He's a peculiar animal.  Long story, I'll tell you someday."

"Well that someday will have to be soon, because i only have a little while longer on the island."

"You're not going to stay with your kind?"

He shrugged.  "I have things in Florida I need to return to."

"Oh," she sighed.  They sat in silence for a moment, until she spoke again.  "I'm gonna give you some advice, and it'll probably be the best advice you ever get.  Turn around, walk out of this pub, and go back to Florida.  Right now.  Keep your normal life while you still have the chance, because once you're too far into here there's no going back."

He shook his head.  "My grandpa wanted me to learn about this world, told me stories about your friends when I was young.  I wanna figure out why it's so important."

She nodded slightly, looking out the window.  "Well, you go back to the house.  I don't think I'm gonna go back for a while."

"I can't just leave you here."

"Tell them you found me and I asked to be left alone, but you know where I am.  I'll be here."

"I don't think that's a good idea."

a tear slipped from her eye.  "Please just leave me be.  I don't wanna see my brother, or my rabbit, or any of my friends.  I just want to be alone, so I can cry."

"It's never good to cry alone."

"Sometimes it is."  She looked at her feet.  "I'm begging you, just go."

And so he got up.

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