Can't stop laughing!

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Ruby: *sitting in swivel chair, listening to L's lecture*

L: And that is at you don't steal my strawberries.

Ruby: *looks out the window and see the host club walk into the house* Yes!

L: You do?

Ruby: Oh, yeah sure. Don't take your strawberries. Or you will personally arrest me for thievery. So now that I get it can I go?

L: Yes.

Ruby: Thank you! *smiles, runs out of room, and goes down the stairs* Hi guys! *sees the host dressed up as girls, burst out laughing*

Tamaki: Oh if it isn't my dearest daughter Ruby! *hugs Ruby*

Ruby: *laughing* Ta-Tamaki!
L-let m-m-me see t-the rest of

Tamaki: Alright! *he lets go of Ruby*

Ruby: *slowly stops laughing and looks at everybody* Let me guess you thought I could use some older sisters?

Tamaki: Absolutely, so what do you think?

Ruby: You're all hilarious! I do t need older sisters, I liked you guys before you dressed up as girls. But I have to admit this was hilarious! *chuckles*

Hikaru: I told you boss!

Karou: Yeah we were right!

Tamaki: *sighs* Well then we will change...but after you tell us which of us look best!

Ruby: Easy! Karou!

Karou: R-Really?

Ruby: Yep! *walks over and kisses his cheek*

Karou: *blushes*

Hikaru: Karou has got a girlfriend!

Karou: Hikaru!

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