Short Person Problems

215 9 3

Me: *on the counter to get my tea*

Sebastian: What on earth are you doing up there? *walks over curious*

Me: Getting my tea, someone keeps putting it on the top shelf. But I know who that someone is.

Sebastian: Ronald?

Me: *nods, and tries to reach for my tea*

Levi: *walks in* Having a short person problem, brat? *sits at the kitchen table*

Me: Yes! *gives up, sits on the counter*

Sebastian: Here let me get it. *he gets the tea with ease and hands it to me*

Me: Thanks! *goes to make the tea*

Sebastian: Don't mention it Author-chan. All though you do have to hand to you short people.

Me & Levi: Why?

Sebastian: Because you guys can't reach it. *smiles*

Levi: I hate you Michaelis.

Me: *laughing*

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