The Touch Of You!

Start from the beginning

Udit chuckled a little, and then leaning in, he whispered almost touching her earlobes with his lips.

"Since the second that jerk came here, I decided to keep my ears as well as other working organs open, so that when the need arises, I can even kick him back to his place like a football is kicked in the goal net". 

"What do you have against, Ranveer Sir? He is a nice man and mostly, he is Sheena's fiance. Why do you hate him?" She finally blurted out, gripping the end of her scarf tightly scared that he might get angry, worse he might just yell at her infront of so many people, and she can't handle a public humiliation at all.

"I just don't like him and I want you to stay away from him as much as possible. Do you get it?" He replied in a calm voice but inside he was controlling every fiber in him to not lash at her. He stood up on his feet, and realizing the moment of his body, she too got up immediately, feeling that she might have offended him in any way once again.

"You can sit and have the sweet dish. I am sleepy. Good night". He said and walked off leaving her alone, in her own thoughts which were mostly filled with his mood swings. Something was not right, but what?

Laying on his bed, straight, Udit was sweating profusely, even when the AC was at the Maximum temperature. His was squirming uncomfortably on his bed, with restlessness visible on his face, as the brows on his forehead creased every now and then, due to the impact of pain, that invaded his chest.

"No, please don't do this to me. I beg you, don't do this".

"Please let me go".

"Please for the sake of God, leave me".

"Leave meeeeeeeee!!"

"Noooooooooooo", He woke up with a jerk, with his shrilling cry filling his room. His red eyes now showering the waters of helplessness through his eyes, as he was finding it hard to breathe.

A nausea hit him suddenly and he dashed towards the washroom to empty the contents in a go, but still it didn't helped his nerves to calm down even one bit.

He slid down on the floor of the washroom and curling up in a small ball, he cried silently letting out the pain in some form, which could relax his troubled mind.

It wasn't the first night that he was facing his nightmares, but every time, they would make him more bitter, rude and vulnerable. Everytime he would see them, he just wished to die in that moment because if he was dead, then he wouldn't have to face them. But he was one unlucky person, who has to live, not for himself but for his parents.

"You were right Dad, going to Canada was my biggest mistake. I wish I would have listened to you then. Maybe God wouldn't have punished me this bitterly for hurting you". He confessed in his heart, still crying silently.

He got up slowly, and washing his pale face, he walked upto his bed once again, hoping against hope, that he won't wake up ever again, but after every night there is a morning, and every morning a person has to wake up no matter whether they like it or not, so did Udit but with torned looks on his face.

He got dressed and made his way to the class before even his care taker could take him. One thing he was liking was that, he was able to recognize the directions now without any help.

He was about to enter only, when Karishma bumped into him accidentally as she was fidgeting with her scarf for some reason and her mind was playing games with her.

"Have you taken oath these days to bump in me every morning?" Udit leaned against the wall, and crossing his legs across, whilst his arms folded over his chest.

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