Chapter 7

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                Harry's P.O.V.

After i left jess, i just got even more angry than what i was, how could anybody hurt her, she's such a good person, and so sweet, i shouldn't have even told her that i was okay with them together, if i would have told her how i felt, this wouldn't have happened in the first place.

I finally got to his house, and i knocked on the door, he finally opened it and he had a stupid smirk on his face, and he said

'oh, i see your little girlfriend came running to you'

'why did you hit her?'

'well, for one she wanted to dump me, and no one breaks up with me, and she was going to do it because of you'

'what do you mean?'

'she was so stupid that she picked you over me'

then he did what i thought i came here to do,now he hit me.

                Jess's P.O.V.

I shouldn't have even let harry leave the house, because i know exactly what he will do, i just don't want him to get in a fight with drew and get hurt, honestly i couldn't care less if drew got hurt though. Harry has always stood up for me in situations like this but i just want him to be here with me, instead of picking a fight with drew.

After like 2 hours i hear someone knock on the door, i open it to see harry, and he had cuts and bruises all over his face, i look at him in shock, pull him in the house

"What did you do?"

"Well lets just say he is a lot tougher than i thought he was" he smirked.

"Harryyy i told you not to get hurt"

"i know, but well at least he's a lot worse off than i am"

i glared at him and pulled him over to the medicine cabinet and told him to sit on the counter so i could clean up all of his cuts.

He did what i said.

After minutes of silence he spoke up and said 'so um why did you want to break up with him?'

i took a second to think about what i should say, and i said 'umm well...i thought that he wasn't the right person for me'

harry slightly smiled and said 'really? sooo.....who do you think is the right person?'

i smiled and bit my lip, which didn't go unnoticed by harry, seeing that he did the same answer his question i said 'well, i guess the right person would be someone like you maybe'   i seen his face basically light up by my answer, and his adorable dimple was showing, and i instantly felt butterflies erupt in my stomach and we rested our forehead against each others, and i nudged my nose against his, and he lightly giggled and he brushed his lips against mine, and again butterflies erupted in my stomach, and he finally kissed me, it was slow but passionate none-the-less, after a couple of seconds we pulled away, and we both started smiling at each other......

(A/N) Ello :) sooo how was it?

hope you guys liked it and my bff helped me with the first part, so thank u bunches! :)

oh and my twitter is @hazzascupcake37

if ya wanna follow me

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