"I'm really not in the mood."

"But it's like a family—" The blonde was interrupted by the doorbell again. The oldest Grey beckoned to the door and made her way over there, stopping the conversation. She opened it with a strange look on her face as she was faced with three strangers. An older man and two younger guys were standing at the door and immediately asked where George – or Georgie as they called him – was. When they were told that he was upstairs, they chanted the boy's last name as they went up to the stairs.

"Should I call the police?" Izzie joked.

"Probably a good idea." Courtney replied back, a faint smile on her lips, while they were looking at the strangers going up the stairs. With both blondes distracted, Meredith took that opportunity to sneak out the house. The sound of a closing door caught their attention and they immediately turned around, but they were too late. Izzie looked rather angry, while Courtney was a bit disappointed.

"Meredith, I'm serious! You need to back here for dinner at 6! I mean it!" Izzie shouted, before walking back to the kitchen. Courtney stayed in the hallway a little while longer, staring at the door, fearing for the moment when it was going to ring again. Eventually, she followed Izzie to the kitchen. "So, is Ashley coming today?"

"Yeah, but he won't be staying for dinner though." Courtney let her know, sitting down on a bar stool. She hadn't told any of her roommates, including Meredith, that she was going to end her relationship with Ashley. The only people who knew were Ivory and Alex.

"What? Why?"

"I'm going to break up with him. I honestly tried giving him another chance, but it, it's just not working anymore. He's just not the guy I thought he was," Her eyes landed on the blonde, who seemed to have some problems with her cooking. "Are you alright there, Iz? Do you want some help? I'm all too happy to help you. I think that I'm good cook."

"No, no, I can do this part on my own. I'll figure it out somehow and you can help me if I need it," Izzie glanced up from the recipes and cook books. "You never told me that you can cook. We should like bake or cook something whenever we have the time. Doesn't that sound fun? But anyway: you're breaking up with Ashley? But everything seemed to be going so good between the two of you? What happened?"

"The most important word in that sentence is seemed. At first, I really enjoyed his company, but after some time, he started acting really weird. I dismissed it at first, but I later realized that him acting like a perfect gentlemen was out of character and the other things he did or said were his true self. I don't want to be with someone who isn't himself. I want to be with someone real."

"I didn't know that. Why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't want to bother you all with my relationship troubles. I thought I could handle it and tell you when it was over." The girl let out after a couple minutes of silence.

"Are you serious, Courtney!?" Izzie exclaimed, waving her spatula around for no reason. "What kind of stupid reason is that! You'll never bother us. If you need help or advice, don't you dare think that it will bother us – that's just ridiculous. You're our roommate, our friend and I see you like a sister, so don't you ever think that you can't come to me with your troubles or drama. We're here for you, no matter what, Courtney!"

Courtney looked down at her hands lying on her thighs, when suddenly the two blondes heard commotion in the hallway. They turned around and saw George and the three strangers, who were actually his father and two brothers, rushing downstairs. "Hurry up Georgie! There's a turkey out there with your name on it." His father said as they walked past the kitchen.

"Whoa, hey!" Izzie yelled out, when she realized that George was being whisked away. She ran into the main foyer, trying to stop him from leaving with his family. Courtney had opted to stay behind in the kitchen and examined the recipes that were spread across the table. She let out a sigh, hoping that she and Izzie were going to be able to pull this off. The youngest Grey was a reasonably good cook, but she had never really prepared a fancy meal like this.

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