Chapter 1- Kiss me IF you can

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Lola-Rose's P.O.V.

"So, babe, pool party this weekend at my house. It's gonna be off the roo-oof!!! You coming or what?" Liam asked, slinging his arm around my shoulder.

"You know it!" I giggled, planting a kiss on his cheek. The other guys watched in envy. Of course they would! I mean, who wouldn't want me? I'm the Lola-Rose Gold. Duh! As if you didn't know already. 

Hannah and Alex took the seats next me as my boyfriend, Liam, walked away with a hard football in his hands. He was the school's quarterback. L.O.L! "Omigosh, Rosie, I'm loving your outfit today! That scarf? J'adore." Alex gushed, as gazed intently at me.

"Alex?" I growled.

She stared at me dumbly, smiling while applying her mascara at the same time. What a clown! "Mm-hm?"

"Don't EVER call me Rosie again. You hear? I'm Lola-Rose. Plus, everybody knows that French is my trademark! Like, as if you know!" I smirked. Alex sank back in her chair, as she mumbled an apology. Nobody would treat me like that again. Hello-o! I'm High-school ROYALTY.

"So! I heard that the annual Dazzle Diva comp is coming up! You gonna try out? Silly me, of course you are. I mean, they should just give you the diamond tiara in the first place! It's not like anyone's going to beat you." Hannah complimented, trying to avert the subject. I let it go this time.

"Well, duh, Hannah! I so totes know I'm going to win. I mean, who else is better than, well, moi moi moi?" I giggled, blowing glossy cherry kiss at some guy who was checking me out. I returned back to the girls. "My pen! Chop-chop, girls!" I sing-songed, snapping my fingers and standing up in my creamy-pink bow stilettos. They were the newest pair from Chanel. 

Alex handed me a sparkly pink pen with a ball of fluff on top. "Took you long enough!" I moaned, rolling my eyes. "We're so sorry, Lola-Rose! Loving your shoes by the way!" the pair of them said in unision. I sighed. 

"Je te pardonne! I forgive you! See, I totes deserve the Dazzle Diva award! I'm super kind, as in capital K! Not that I'm a diva." I laughed. It was true. I was so totally gonna win the award.

Josh's P.O.V.

"Aw, come on, dude! Space-alien Robot Mermaids could be the next-next-.... thing!" Derek pleaded, as he pulled on his 'poor beggar' face. "I'm desperate!" I sighed.

"As the film club president, I propose a vote. All who approve of Derek's idea?" I asked confidently. Derek put his hand up. And his other hand. and his feet. "There! ha! Four! There's only six members in the club, so I won!" Derek stated triumphantly.

"Dude, give it a rest. All who object!" I exclaimed, "Hm? Hm?" Everbody put their hands up, including me. And feet. "Ha! 20! So, our new movie will NOT be Space-alien Robot Mermaids will not be the new movie for our club!" I shouted. "Fine. I guess I'll have to work on it on my own, alone, in solitude, every day and every night, starving myself till I finish, but, you know, that's fine-"

"Enough with the dramatic performance already! Boooooo!!!" Kayla said, throwing a scrunched-up paper ball at him. "Fine." Derek grumbled. Honestly, this guy could be such a kid sometimes. I shook my head and turned back to the small film club. "So, anyway, guys-"

There was a knock on the door as a small girl with short brown hair and a pink clip to pin it back wit entered. Hey, don't judge me. I like to observe people closely. I am a rising flim-maker, after all, being the film club president and all. That's right, I'm the boss....out of 5 people. I snapped my attention back to the girl. "Hi Connie, anything I can do for you?" I asked. "Hey Josh. The Clubs Manager Mr. Dean wants to see you!" she squeaked, running out of the door like a frightened mouse. That girl was so scared of men, honestly....I chuckled, and left Derek in charge. He may be a whiny baby, but that guy makes a mean movie script. Some of them are just......too.....creative, that's all. I guess.

I knocked on the door as a deep voice boomed, "Come in." Don't get me wrong, Mr. Dean's an awesome guy, he just tends to frighten people with his appearance, that's all. "Ah, Josh! I wanted to talk to you about something that you might be interested in....."

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