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The boy lays in a bed fluffier than he is used to, sunning himself like a lazy cat in the afternoon light from the window. He rolls around in the clouds of sheets with a pleased sigh, dark hair spread around his head like an onyx halo. The mattress cradles him gently, and he begins to drift into unconsciousness.

A taller, tanner man creeps into the doorway, leaning against the doorjamb with a sunshine smile. He observes for a moment, thinking that the boy is always so peaceful when he sleeps. "Jax."

Jax hums, rolling over to his stomach, peering at his fiancé through bleary grey eyes; Oliver notes that they're always much lighter when Jax has first woken up. "Mm? What?"

Rolling his eyes, Oliver crosses the room to the bed. "Get up, love. We have things to do today. You remember, the venue planning and the cake tasting."

"Can't we just have our wedding here?" Jax groans, shuffling further into the blankets. They smell like Oliver, and it makes him want to sleep.

Oliver perches on the edge of the bed, placing a hand on Jax's back. It makes Jax's breath hitch, the way Oliver's finger makes contact with an exposed sliver of skin near his waist. "Here," Oliver asks, amused.

Jax, trying to play it casual, mumbles, "Yeah. In the living room. We'll get a cake from the grocery store bakery, chocolate; your favorite, right? And then we'll just... Stay here for the honeymoon."

Oliver laughs. "What will we wear, Jax?"

"I'll wear one of your hoodies, and you'll wear one of mine. That's cute, right?"

Jax sighs when Oliver flips him over off of his stomach, arches his back when he begins stroking his hair. "It sounds lovely. But, my family can't fit in the living room. Also, my dad's side of the family has a history of diabetes. We'll need more than just cake."

"Ramen noodles."


"They can eat ramen noodles." Jax leans into Oliver's touch, not minding what he's saying. "And then, we don't have to organize anything. We can just... Cuddle."

"Now, Jax," Oliver scolds playfully, "I note your noble effort to get out of this. However, I've already called an uber. We're going." Jax groans, and Oliver pecks his forehead. "C'mon, angel, you've got to get up eventually."

Jax freezes, eyes staring up at Oliver. "Angel?"

Oliver laughs nervously, shrugging, a strawberry pink showing through his tan skin. "I, uh..." He runs a hand through his hair, the curls wrapping around his fingers. "Yeah. You're my angel. Always have been, remember?" Jax can't seem to close his mouth all the way, can't get all of the fondness out of his gaze, so he lays there looking starstruck. Oliver is just slightly too anxious to notice. "Forget I said anything. Um. Get up. I made bacon."

Jax grabs Oliver's wrist before he can walk away, pulls the man partially on top of himself. "Bacon bacon, or turkey bacon?" He asks it like it's the most important matter to ever come up.

"Both. Couldn't tell what you'd be in the mood for. And eggs."

Eyes softening, Jax presses their mouths together, softly. "You're the best... I love you."

Both of them are startled by the admission; Jax knows that he doesn't say it often enough, and Oliver finds it hard to breathe when he does. "I love you, too." Jax initiates another, deeper kiss, tugging Oliver fully onto the bed. Chuckling, Oliver breaks the kiss. "You're really set on not going out today, aren't you?"

Jax hums in response, running his lips along Oliver's throat, pausing at one spot that makes Oliver's pulse move faster. He kisses it gently, then mumbles, "Maybe so."

"Nice try; your temptress ways are effective, I'll give you that. But, such tricks will not work on me." Jax nips lightly at the area of Oliver's neck, licks it. "O-okay, maybe they work a little. But we're still going out."

Arching his back for maximum contact, Jax sucks a small love bite onto Oliver's neck; the two of them both know that he could easily make a larger one. Then, hands dancing up and down his lover's button up, he breathes, "Are you sure, Oliver?"

Oliver exhales shakily, burying his face in Jax's neck. "Jax," he croaks, trying to get his voice to behave normally. "We have to go." Resignation is clear in his tone.

Jax runs his hands through Oliver's curls, biting his lip. He makes sure to maintain full eye contact. "When's the meeting?"

Shaking a little at how blown wide Jax's pupils are, how warm he is, Oliver says, "One thirty."

Jax glances at the clock on the wall. Eleven fifty. "We have time." Oliver looks skeptical. Jax grips the fabric on Oliver's shirt lightly. "Please, babe."

Oliver relents. "Okay, okay." Jax presses up against Oliver further. "Jax! Jesus. I said okay. But, after, we gotta go, okay?" Jax grins, nodding excitedly. Oliver sits up, straddling Jax, starts to unbutton his shirt. "Don't blame me if you have bedroom hair," he mutters, trying to seem irritable.

It doesn't work. "Puh-lease. You know I could rock sex hair any day of the week," Jax smirks. Oliver reminds himself that this is real life, that the boy in front of him is actually his.

"If you had it your way, you would rock sex hair every day of the week."

"Damn straight." Oliver laughs aloud, letting his face fall into the crook of Jax's neck. He stays there for a few moments, appreciating the seconds spent with the man underneath him.

He can't help but wonder how he got so lucky.


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